Chapter 15. The Dollhouse

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I stayed there, curled up. I don't know how long I waited, but I was sure it was a long time. I wanted to keep myself busy, so I started playing with my hands. I splitted my front hair into two strands and started braiding them. When it was done I just let myself fall back facing the ceiling. I spread my arms and legs like I was making a snow angel, only on the mattress. I smiled at that. It reminded me of my childhood. I liked the snow, even though it was too cold it was fun. Ben always preferred summer. For some reason I thought about Max too, about what would be his favorite season. Then I suddenly stopped. Why these thoughts? My head was spinning in confusion. I held it with my hands as if that would help set the thoughts straight.

It had been hours since the human left and still hadn't come back. I tried to rest, but I just couldn't get these things out of my head. I looked out the window. The sunlight shone brightly outside after the rain. It was possible to see a small rainbow far in the sky. That made me happy. No, I won't just stand here and wait. I had to do something to distract myself from them. On the wall there was a curtain leading to the window. I went to the pillow and climbed on top of it. The nightstand was beside the bed and so I ran and I jumped on it. By now I was used to jumping over things so it wasn't as difficult as the first time. I looked up to the window. It isn't that far away. I took off the earrings on my belt and climbed until I got there.

Arriving there I put the earrings back on the belt and approached the glass touching it my hands. The sun rays streamed through it, warming my skin. The world outside was beautiful. I missed the forest. I wanted so much to go home. Just one more day. But there was Max now. Would I leave and never see him again? That's what I was supposed to do. We should never have met in the first place. I stated sadly. I was still looking outside when the door opened. I felt his presence close to me as he approached. I turned to see him looking down at me.

"Hi." He said sheepishly.


We both remained standing, looking away from each other. The human was just as quiet and uneasy as I was. I couldn't tower over him, I wasn't intimidating at all, however there he was playing with his fingers, trying to distract himself. It was curious to know that such a large being could feel so embarrassed around a small person like me. I took a deep breath before breaking the silence.

"Are you mad at me?"

His eyes landed on me, puzzled.

"There's no way I can be mad at you, Mina."

"Really? You looked really upset with me when you left."

"I wasn't upset with you. I was upset with myself." His face fell. "You were my responsibility and I let you fall..." He shook his head. "I should've been more careful."

"It was my idea, not yours." I looked down. "I'm sorry."

"It wasn't your fault. Don't need to be sorry."

I nodded and then we just stood there staring at our hands again.

"Could you please open the window?" I asked shyly.

"Sure." He smiled.

He leaned over me placing his hands on each side of it. As he lifted the glass effortlessly a gentle breeze came in through the open window. I opened my arms as the wind ruffled my hair and dress. I smiled happily. He leaned over the window and stood beside me, seeing me as I felt the wind. Sunlight shimmered on our skin as we stared silently at the view.

"What's it like?" He asked, bringing my attention to him.


"To fly." The breeze also ruffled his hair as his eyes were wandering. "I don't think any of us could ever say what it's like as you."

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