Chapter 14. Human Rider

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When I woke up it was still raining, but it was lighter. I had slept very well and oddly enough I had had sweet dreams. My body had finally recovered from all that hard time outside. I rubbed my eyes and stretched. A few inches next to me was his massive face. Max. He was sleeping soundly, the sound of air coming in and out with his breathing was loud in my ears. It was a little scary, but I wasn't afraid. In fact, I was in awe of being so close to a human without needing to run or hide. I ran my eyes over his face, taking in every detail. His eyes, his nose, his mouth, his hair falling over his forehead, even his eyebrows. He was no different from us, just bigger. There was no hint of malice on his features, just a peaceful face. He gave me space when I needed it, he didn't touch me when I was afraid, he brought me food when I was hungry. He saved my life. He could easily ignore me, overpower me. He could do whatever he wanted to me, but for some reason he was taking care of me. He was protecting me. He's kind-hearted. I continued to lie next to him, watching him until a strange sound came from outside. I jumped up, startled. It repeated itself a few times like a bugle announcing someone's arrival. Then I heard voices coming from downstairs. They had returned. I can't go there alone. I need him to wake up. I got close to his ear, leaning in the cave.

"Max..." I called him carefully so as not to startle him, not that I really believed it. "Max."

He stayed asleep. I knew I could just wait, but I was too anxious to know what had happened to Daisy. It wasn't something I could just leave for another time.


This time I raised my voice, but it still wasn't enough to wake him up. I would have to be louder than that. I took a deep breath before saying anything.

"Max!" I called. "Wake up!"

"Just five more minutes." He said in a sleepy voice.

Then he rolled over onto his back. The movement had me sliding down the pillow and onto the mattress. I looked at the massive body laying next to me. It was hard to get used to how huge he was. I shook my head. I can't stand here waiting for him to roll again. I had to get to him somehow. I approached him slowly and carefully stepped on his hand. I stayed still watching his every little movement. He didn't seem to feel anything so I started climbing up his arm. He was wearing a long-sleeved piece of clothing which must have softened my steps on his skin. So I was on his chest.

Once there it went up and down making it difficult to stand. I opened my arms to balance and got closer to his face. His warm breath tossed my hair back, ruffling it. He looked almost vulnerable sleeping. I couldn't believe I was really on top of a giant. I felt like I had conquered the world. I never imagined it would be so exciting to walk on someone so enormous. So fun! I laughed. He started blinking his eyes, opening them slowly. His eyes roamed the room before landing on me. I flinched under his confused stare. An icy shiver ran down my spine. What was I thinking? He was a human, not something fun to play on. Our eyes widened at the same time in shock and surprise.

"Mina?"  He asked as he looked at me in confusion. "What are you doing?"

"Nothing!" I replied too quickly. "I mean, I was... I was trying to wake you up."

"What for?"

"The humans." I tried not to sound so anxious. Despite my efforts I was letting my fear show anyway. "They arrived."

"You can't climb on me while I'm sleeping, okay?" He told me. "I can hurt you or crush you and not even notice."

I took fearful steps back. I was still on top of him, wasn't I? Oh, my gods. My instincts were on edge. Before I could think, he grabbed me, lifting me up from his chest as he sat up. That was the trigger for my fear to kick inside me. He was going to be mad at me, I knew it. I had crossed the line.

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