Chapter 7. Grabbed

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As I threw myself into the bag I hit something hard. There were a lot of oddly shaped things stuffed in there. As I tried to balance myself on something flat the bag was pulled causing everything inside it to be thrown violently forward, including me. I involuntarily shielded my face with my arms. I let a little 'ouch' slip out as something big and heavy hit me in the back, pressing me against the fabric.

"I'm coming!" I heard his loud voice from outside.

He's leaving. That was when I realized there was no going back. A large object was thrown in with a high-pitched noise. Looking closely I saw that that was what I was using to hide from him. I felt relieved that I hadn't been caught at that moment. Even if I was inside his bag I could still think about what to do. Then the only source of natural light had been closed off. Everything went dark. I was completely trapped. There was no longer an exit, no light. I was all alone in that darkness. In a human's bag. I panicked. The air was struggling into my lungs, I was hyperventilating with anxiety and fear. That was supposed to be a perfect day, we had everything planned. But it was all gone now. Everything went wrong in the worst possible way.

The bag moved again, throwing everything to the sides like an avalanche. This time it kept moving up and down, making everything bounce along with it. All those things were thrown at me as he walked, or ran. It was hard to say. The only conscious thing I could do was curl up into a ball to protect myself. I was so fragile there, unable to even hold myself in place. And just as suddenly as it started, everything stopped moving. My whole body ached from the impacts. I wanted to moan in pain, but I bit my lip. I couldn't let myself be heard or seen. I waited anxiously for something, for anything to come and get me. I was tired, bewildered, hurt. I had no strength left to defend myself. I waited a little longer, but nothing happened. Then, little by little, I felt fatigue overcoming me. My eyelids weighed down on my eyes like lead as I fought them. I have to stay awake. I could barely feel the rest of my body, but I didn't care now. All I needed to do was keep my eyes open. That was hard enough and so my body was giving up. Slowly it overcame me, closing my eyes, bringing with them a deep and heavy sleep.

After a while, minutes or hours, I woke up. I opened my eyes slowly, but saw nothing. I was still inside that claustrophobic bag. I wanted to scream for help, I wanted to punch those walls until they ripped. But anything would just draw the human's attention to me. At least for now he still doesn't know I'm here. That was good. The bag shuddered and a thread of light began to enter through the opening that had been closed. The light was strange, not like the sunlight I knew. It was colder and kind of depressing. He was opening it. I need to hide, fast. I looked to the side and saw that there was a half-open pocket. Despite all the pain I hurried and went inside, sinking as far inside as possible. A huge pair of eyes peered in, scanning the interior. I shivered at the sight. The eyes narrowed as they roamed over everything. They were looking for something. It can't be me, it can't. Suddenly his eyes stopped, fixed on what he was looking for.

"Found it." He said then turned his face away from the opening.

My eyes widened at the sound of his voice. At what he said. Soon his enormous hand came through the opening. All his five giant fingers went down into the bag and felt around the place. The fingers slipped over the pocket causing my body to stiffen. They curled around a large, rectangular object that lit up at the touch. So they went back out taking it with them. Then the bag dropped, or was dropped, causing everything to roll over again. The pocket was padded which protected me from any more damage. However they weighed on me, burying me. I hadn't even gotten out of that bag and I was already drained. My body had given in once, I couldn't let it give in again. My muscles burned, my bones were stiff. I felt a cry of exhaustion trying to escape my throat as I fought it. Daisy needs you, Mina. With great effort I dragged myself out of the pocket pushing and shoving through the objects, careful not to make any noise. He'd left the bag open this time, so I followed the light, sneaking out of the bag.

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