Chapter 1. Vacation

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I was so excited for summer vacation that I woke up before my alarm clock time. I got up as fast as I could, went to the bathroom and washed my face. Although the finals had drained the best of me, it had all been worth it because now I would finally enjoy my well-deserved vacation. Usually on summer vacations Josh and I spent most of our free time at each other's houses. We just played videogames, rode our bikes, or went to the movies at the mall. But this time our parents decided it would be better if we got in touch with nature. When we were kids we spent every weekend at Josh's grandfather's farmhouse. It had been years since we had visited him for the last time before we moved. For some reason I was looking forward to going back there. It feels like something is calling me.

My bags had been packed since the week before. My mother packed so much clothes that the zipper was about to open on its own. There were several cartoon t-shirts, shorts, jeans, swimming trunks, a pair of flip-flops and a few pairs of sneakers. More than enough for a 16 year old boy. I can't even say if I'll be able to wear all these clothes. In addition to the suitcase, I had packed a backpack with some utensils that I imagined would be useful on a farm: flashlight, tape, scissors, repellent, magnifying glass, painkillers, toothbrush and even matches.

I was just finishing tying my shoelaces when I heard the car's horn. I stuck my cell phone in the pocket of my shorts, put the backpack on my back, grabbed my suitcase and went downstairs as fast as I could. I opened the main door and there was Josh's mom's minivan. My mother and older sister Sarah walked me to the car. Josh, my best friend, and Toby, his dog, were in the seats behind the driver and his cousin Nick was sitting in the back.

"Hey, Max!" Josh shouted from the window. "I saved your place." He said patting his hand on the seat next to him smiling at me.

Toby barked and wagged his tail when he saw me so I petted him. Josh and I had been best friends since kindergarten, we were practically brothers. I would say we could tell what each other was thinking just by looking.

"Maxwell, promise me you'll take care of yourself, please." My mother said through the car's window.

"I will, mom. I promise." I said embarrassed.

"I think I'll miss you too, little sunshine." Sarah spoke, making fun of it. I rolled my eyes.

"Hi Sarah." Nick said looking at my sister with that crazy passionate look. "I'll also miss y-... I mean..." He rubbed the back of his neck "Hm... my mother, I guess?"

"Okaay." She frowned, which made Nick lower his head in embarrassment.

"Don't worry, Ms. Williams." Lisa, Joshua's mother, said trying to calm my mother's anxiety. "He's in good hands."

"Enjoy your vacation, my baby!" My mother said with a crying face.

I waved at them then we left leaving the two of them behind.

"I can't believe Josh and I managed to pass the finals." Nick said from the back seat. "I owe you a thank you, Max."

"Don't mention it." I turned to Josh. "It's your turn now."

"No way!" Josh said. "To be honest I'd love to spend five hours idly spitting little bits of paper at nerds like you." He laughed.

"Joshua." His mother said.

"Are we really going fishing at that lake, aunt Lisa?" Nick asked.

"Yes, Nicholas." Mrs Snaders said happily. "Now that you're older we can go back to the lake without worrying about keeping an eye on you all the time. My father will love to teach you how to fish."

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