Chapter 24. Family

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The human held us at chest height as he walked through his home. While I was trapped inside his fist I looked down, watching the long legs walk. The speed the human was walking was too fast for me which made my head spin. I might throw up if I had something in my stomach. Waylon was on the other hand, only his head visible. I couldn't tell if he was as sick as I was, but scared I was sure. I looked up at the giant, however couldn't see much past his chin. Then the human returned to the bedroom, placing us on the desk. The hole to the wall was right behind our back. I considered the idea, but anything was useless as he was towering over us. Moreover going there would only reveal another entrance for him.

"You." He said looking straight at the boy which made him flinch. "You know my name, don't you?"

So the large being lowered himself onto the desk, becoming level with us. His face grew even bigger as he saw the kid up close. His unexpected approach caused Waylon to run and hide behind me, trembling. The human's face fell as he saw the child cower from him.

"Don't be afraid, shortie." The human said softly. "I mean you no harm, I swear."

I just waited, protecting the boy with my body. I wouldn't hand the child over to him so easily. Waylon tugged at my shirt, making me turn to him. He was indecisive about what to do. I shook my head no. His eyes went from me to the human, confused. He thought about that for a while, then he stepped out from behind me. I tried to hold him back, but he kept walking. Waylon? He took fearful steps towards the massive face with hands clutched to his chest. Aware of the small child walking towards him, the human looked at him excitedly.

The kid got as close to the giant as he could before his legs refused to go any further. He was so small compared to him that I wanted to make him bigger. Even if only a little. Suddenly the human pinched the child by the back of his shirt and lifted him into the air, making the child wave his legs and arms in surprise. My heart jumped in my chest with anxiety at the sight. What was he going to do? Was he going to scare him? Hurt him for fun? Please, don't!

"Aww, look at you! So small and cute!" He said in amazement with the helpless figure at eye level. "What's your name?"

"I-I-I'm-m-m..." The kid was taken by tremors as he was struggling with fear. "Wa-a-ayy-lo-on."

"Waylon." He repeated, thinking about it. "Sounds cool." He smiled.

"Th-a-an-k yo-u-u!"

"Wanna be friends, Waylon?" He tilted his head, looking at the child fondly.

"Fri-e-end-s?" The kid stammered shyly but surprised. "U-us?!"

"Yeah. I'd love to have a little friend like you."

I bet the kid's eyes sparkled with that by the way he nodded frantically.

"Y-ye-s! I-I d-do!"

"Great!" He smiled. "What about you, little guy?" He looked down at me. "Ben, right? We could be mates as well."

"I have enough friends." I said harshly.

I wouldn't give an opening to that gigantic talking thing. I just wanted him to be done with us so would leave as soon as possible.

"What a shame." The human shrugged, frustrated. "It's not every day that we see mini little people walking around."

Mini little people? I frowned. Humans were so conceited. He was still with the boy pinched in the air like he had completely forgotten he was holding a kid. He certainly had no idea how terrifying it was.

"Would you please put him down now?" I demanded more than asked. "You can't hold him like that."

It was a risky move to talk to a human like that, they might get terribly mad. They could be bigger and stronger than us, but I would let no giant would mess with one of us. Let alone Waylon. I stood my ground looking up at the giant, waiting for anything. For a hand.

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