"FUCCCK!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!!!"she cries and groaned, but she didn't even take the cigar away. Instead, she moves closer to me, wanting more of my cruelty.

"What a fucking slut!" I shouted at her while I open my button and dropping my jeans and underwear revealing my hard dick. I took a condom that was displayed in the counted and ripped it open.

I groaned as I slides it to my shaft as I thought of the certain brunette in my head. Imagining that it was her I've been fucking and not this cheap bitch.


Jennie's POV

"What the hell have been taking you so long. I waited for two hours, "Lisa said while she stood up and went to me.

I looked at her confused while my hands held my bag, gripping it tightly when I felt my chest hammering again. As my dreams from earlier hunted me, I felt embarrassed for having such a sinister dream with this doctor in front of me.

"It's not my fault that you came here unannounced," I replied that made her brows furrowed, then she smirked again as she walked closer to me.

I step back a little when she's just standing a foot away from me. I gulped hard while I tried to look away from her

"Are you talking back to me, Jennie?" She more likely stated, it's like she's saying that how could I dare to talk back to her.

I felt scared honestly, but I tried to mask it and just sighed and was about to walk off, but she held my arm and glared at me.

"Where the fuck are you going?!" She said gripping me tightly.

That made me groaned in pain that made her pull her hand while I look at my arm already red and it feel like it was about to get bruise.

"It's your fault," she said that made me mad at her.

I had enough. I'm giving her so much of my patience because she's a guest in this place, and I'm doing my best to be the most understanding host as a governors daughter.

"How dare yo--"

"Jennie, are you already going? Lisa said that you're going to go to this kid named Lee? Am I right, Lisa?"My mother interrupted while she walked towards us.

"Yes, Mrs Kim," Lisa said, and she's back to being timid again. I'm even surprised that I get to do something that made her show some emotions. Usually, she's just expressionless aside from the smirk that will always appear whenever she does something amusing.

"I apologise that you waited so long because of my daughter," my mother said and hugged my arm while we both looked at Lisa, who had just nodded and didn't say anything.

When I felt some awkwardness surrounding us. I told my mom goodbye and pulled Lisa outside our house.

"You should have at least told me that we are going to Lee's house today," I said and opened the car door and sited inside, and I'm struggling to put my seatbelt again.

I groaned internally until I felt her get inside and help me buckle it.

"Thank you," I said and smiled slightly at her, and she just nodded and again didn't say anything.

While on the road, I just kept glancing at her. She's so quiet today. Well, she was always this silent but not this silent.

"I- ahm, can we stop at the church for a while?" I said while I looked at her, hoping she would at least take a glance at me, but she just nodded and continued driving.

For the whole ride, no one said anything and just sighed and deep breaths can be heard inside the car, until I got bored and decided to take my bible out, but then I remembered Lisa threw it at the backseat.

"It's in my house," I heard her say that made me look at her.

Lisa stared at me, and then I gasped when her hand went to my legs.

I tried to shoved it away, but she held it firmly.

"What are you doing?"I asked

"Giving you entertainment," she said that made my eyes wide, confused by what she meant.

"Just enjoy it. They say physical touch can be a therapy, " she said and continues to carress my skin that made me flinch when it moves closer to my-

"I don't need therapy," I grunted and tried to take her hand off of me.

She can easily do it since I'm only wearing a dress above my knee, because I can't seem to find clothes that I'm satisfied with.

"We're here," she said, which made me look up and notice that we're already in church.

This time, I manage to pull her hand away and hastily open the door and go out. I was catching my breath as I walked towards the church entrance.

When I got inside, I held my chest, trying to calm it down. It's been beating nervously ever since this Lisa came and cause chaos into my mind.

I looked at my phone and saw that it was Wednesday.

Confession is available on this day of the week. And since I'm already out, I decided that I'll be confessing my sins, especially the dreams I had last night.

I walk inside the confession room. It was dimly lit while the it was designed by sacred images and statues and I went to it and do a sign of the cross and bowed my head before I went to the window and kneels before Father Mark.

I held my chest and sighed deeply. I'm trying to come to senses and focus on what I'm doing.

"Good morning, Father," I greeted and bowed my head, and I saw his silhouette nodded.

I gulped and did a sign of the cross and clasped my hand altogether.

"Bless me, father, for I have sinned. It's been thirty days since my last confession, and these are my sins. " I stopped and closed my eyes.

"I have been lazy lately, lacking with some of my chores and constantly zooming out. I felt guilty for doing it, Father. " I started and thought twice before I said my real reason to this confession.

"And I h-have met this woman, she was 10 years older than me and I- I had a dream of doing such sinful thing with her. I-in my dream, she was down on me, her head was in between my legs, I don't know what she was doing, but I have felt a feeling of arousal and desire of sensuality. It felt unfamiliary good and I admit I have been enjoying it while it was happening that I ended up wanting to reach this point of I don't know but it was such beatiful feeling", I admitted and I felt getting more nervous as the cold breeze of the air-conditioning touches my skin.

"It was very wrong to dream of such sinful thing, but it was out of my control, Father. However, I thought that maybe I was not praying enough to be away in such sinister dreams, " I added and bowed my head, waiting for his reaction. To what he might want for me to do, to repent and be forgiven for all my sins.

"Father?" I asked and felt scared by his reaction, thought that he might be judging me for what I confess or that he might recognize my voice frightened me, scared that I might get judgements.

My hands are shaking while I continue to wait for his answer.

"Stay there," I heard, and I'm certain that it was not Father Mark's voice. That made my mind panic and tremble in nervousness.

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