Chapter 21: Appreciation

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Harley and Casey went for a walk by the coast of Gotham. Casey had a nice camera strapped around his neck. They would walk hand in hand near the docks until he found a shot he wanted to capture – then he would let go and promptly start taking pictures.

"Heheh, it's cute watching you work, hun." Harley said with a giggle, watching Casey move awkwardly and bend his knees to take certain pictures. He looked over at her and tilted his head a little.

"Is it?"

"Yeah. It's just funny watchin' you get all into your camera. I haven't seen ya try to take pictures in awhile. Did visiting your little buddy Jonathan last week light a fire under ya?" She asked humorously.

"Right, yeah," Casey scoffed at this. "Speaking of which, aren't you supposed to be going in for your first photo shoot tomorrow?" He asked. Harley shook her head.

"Nope! It's the day after tomorrow, baby."

"Oh ok, my bad." Casey nodded.

"You're fine! We've had a lot goin' on lately." She commented.

"Yeah, true," Casey chuckled. "Between getting you settled into the house, finding you the job, and now your friend Ivy's living in my study." He listed.

"Yeah, you can say that again...she's not in your way, is she? 'Cause we can always move her mattress to another room." Harley offered.

"Nah, it's fine. I gave her that room because I really only use it when I'm working on music or processing my pictures. And I can just use it when she's not in there." Casey pointed out. He leaned on a railing at the edge of the path they were walking on to take a few pictures of some nearby boats.

"Okay, just makin' sure. I really appreciate you letting me help her out like this. It means a her and to me." She thanked him, rubbing his arm with her hand.

"Of course, babe. I'm happy to help your friend out. After everything she did to help us, I wasn't gonna say no." He pointed out with a little chuckle.

"Heheh, yeah I know. But still, it's a big deal. I'll have to figure out a way to pay ya back." Harley teased him before leaning over and kissing him on the cheek. Casey chuckled and looked at her.

Harley giggled and smiled at him, expecting him to say something snarky in response. Instead, Casey just put a hand on her cheek and kissed her. She returned the kiss gladly, placing her hands on his cheeks.

"Am I distracting ya from your pictures, baby?" She asked in a cutesy way. Casey laughed at this.

"Haha! Yes, you are, babe. But you know I don't mind." He said with a smile.

"Aww, sorry. Well, you can always take some pictures of your model girlfriend." She joked.

"Haha, sure. Say cheese." Casey joked, taking a step back and holding his camera up.

"Cheeeese!" Harley grinned widely, doing a pose with one hand behind her head. Casey snapped a picture of her and smiled.

"Perfection." He chuckled.

"Aww, let me see!" She went over to him, looking down at the screen on the camera. Casey pulled up the picture of her. She held the camera in her hands and looked at her big smile.

"What do you think?"

"Man, do I look happy in this picture or what?" Harley giggled.

"Yeah. Haha, we should take another one. I don't think you showed enough of your teeth here." He teased, pointing at her mouth in the picture. Harley scoffed and pushed him playfully.

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