Ammar hurriedly left his office in pursuit of Hanan but halted when he noticed Tareeq waiting outside.

"Ensure that Nadia leaves my office immediately," Ammar ordered, and Tareeq nodded in compliance.

"Hanan, wait," Ammar hurriedly walked toward the lift, noticing that Hanan had already entered with the bodyguards.

"Ma'am, Sir is asking you to wait for him," One of the bodyguards informed her.

"Close the lift!" Hanan ordered firmly.


"I said close the lift!" Hanan raised her voice slightly.

"Okay," The bodyguard nodded, complying with her command.

By the time Ammar reached the lift, the doors were already closed, and it had started descending. In response, Ammar quickly made his way to the employees' lift, as Hanan had taken his private one.

Three employees looked surprised when they saw Ammar entering their elevator, considering he had his own.

"Good evening, Sir," They greeted him, and he nodded in acknowledgment.

Impatiently, Ammar tapped his foot as he waited for the lift to descend. It felt like an eternity to him.

When the elevator finally reached the ground floor, Ammar swiftly exited and started walking. He soon spotted Hanan with her bodyguards trailing both in front and behind her.

"Stop!" Ammar called out, causing the bodyguards and Hanan to halt.

Upon seeing Ammar, Hanan initially continued walking.

"Ma'am, Sir said we should stop," One of the bodyguards informed her, following closely.

Ignoring him, Hanan quickened her pace.

Ammar quickly caught up to her and grasped her hand.

"Release my hand," Hanan demanded through clenched teeth.

"I won't," Ammar replied calmly.

"How dare you!" Hanan exclaimed, her voice rising slightly.

"The employees are watching us," Ammar pointed out, and when Hanan looked, she saw that they were indeed being observed.

"Now, please be a good girl and come with me," Ammar suggested as he started walking, still holding Hanan's hand, with the bodyguards following closely behind.

Upon reaching his private parking lot, Ammar opened the backseat of his car for Hanan. "I won't get in," she protested.

"Please, Hanan, we're going home," Ammar urged, and Hanan reluctantly complied, though she planned on giving him the silent treatment.

Ammar settled into the backseat on the other side, which was already opened by one of the bodyguards.

"Sweetheart, please let me explain what you saw," Ammar began as they drove away from the company.

Hanan continued to ignore him as she had planned to do.

"Hanan, please hear me out," Ammar pleaded, attempting to hold her hand, but she pulled hers away.

"Ammar, I'm tired. Can you please leave me alone?" Hanan requested, closing her eyes and leaning back in her seat.

Ammar decided to give her space for now, but he knew that once they reached home, he needed to explain things to her. He didn't want her to misunderstand the situation.

After a few minutes, they arrived home, and Hanan promptly exited the car without waiting for the bodyguard to assist her.

She walked swiftly, determined to avoid any conversation with Ammar.

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