"Yes, she adores going there. That's one of the reasons I love her even more," Ammar admitted with a smile.

"Hanan has filled up all the space in your heart, leaving little room for the rest of us," Tareeq teased.

"I don't have room for anyone else, Hanan is my heart. She's the reason I continue to live," Ammar expressed, with a significance known only to the two of them.

"We'll head to the orphanage this evening to pick her up," Ammar mentioned.

"Finally, you're paying the orphanage a visit," Tareeq said with a smirk.

"Yes, when my wife loves it, I have to go along," Ammar said.

"So, you're going even if you're not a fan?" Tareeq teased.

"It's not that I dislike going there. The children tug at my emotions, and I'm not keen on showing my feelings. So, it's better if I stay away," Ammar explained.

"The mighty Ammar Sheikh, can't show his emotions," Tareeq chuckled, prompting a laugh from Ammar.


Hanan emerged from the backseat of the car, casting a stern look at the bodyguard who had opened the door. Frustration simmered within her towards both the bodyguards and Ammar.

It was exasperating that she couldn't enjoy the freedom of going out without a trail of bodyguards behind her.

She needed to have a serious conversation with Ammar about this because she disliked the situation.

"You all should stay here. Don't follow me inside," Hanan instructed them as they arrived at the orphanage. She wanted to ensure the bodyguards didn't accompany her, so as not to frighten the children.

"But the boss said we should maintain a minimum of three feet distance from you," one of the bodyguards interjected.

"That's not my concern! The point is you won't be trailing me around while I'm in the orphanage. Make sure to keep a reasonable distance," Hanan firmly retorted, beginning her walk from the orphanage parking lot to its interior.

"Ummi!" The children erupted in joy as soon as they spotted Hanan.

"My dear children," Hanan beamed at them.

They rushed towards her, enveloping her in hugs. Hanan crouched down, ensuring to embrace each and every child.

"We missed you, Ummi," a girl named Zahra, around five years old, said as she clung to Hanan.

"I missed all of you too," Hanan replied warmly.

"Why did you stop coming to see us?" Saleh, a boy of about seven, inquired.

"I had to travel, Saleh. But don't worry, now that I'm back, I'll come here every day just like before," Hanan assured, her smile brightening.

"Really?" Saleh's eyes lit up upon hearing her response.

"Yes," Hanan confirmed, playfully tousling his hair.

"Welcome back, Ms. Hanan," The Nanny greeted, approaching Hanan along with the children.

"Thank you, Nanny. How have you been?" Hanan inquired, rising from her squatting position.

"I've been well, though we've all missed you," Nanny replied, her smile wide.

"I've missed all of you too," Hanan returned the smile.

The orphanage staff also gathered around to greet Hanan and express their delight at her return, everyone voicing their longing for her presence during her absence.

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