Everything I wanted💔

Start from the beginning

"I.. think I'm gonna end it here guys.. I have a video I need to edit, and it's late" He smiled into the camera, trying to hide
the paranoia in his eyes as he took a couple minutes, thanking the last people for their donations, before ending. As he
stared at his blank twitch page, he closed out the tab, seeing his computer background, it being the first hint of a face
that Dream ever sent to him, a small part of his jawline that showed half his neck, and a little bit of his cheek.

His eyes tested up a bit looking at the photo, Dream really didn't deserve George. Dream was the sweetest person
George had ever met. He was nice, respectful, productive, funny, and attractive. In other words, everything George wasn't.
George was cold and rude to people, didn't care about space and invaded Dreams space almost every day, lazy and
unproductive, boring, and unattractive. He looked down at his lap, why did Dream like him? Oh yeah, because
they were across the world, and you know how the internet works. You only show what you want people to see.
Over the internet, Dream only saw the happy, joyful, and flawless side of George, while living with him he saw
how dramatic, unproductive, and emotional he could really be.

He wiped his eyes quickly as he heard a knock at his office door, "yeah?" He asked, turning off his pc as the door knob

In walked the very boy he had been worrying about, "hey, I was wondering if you were done streaming?" He asked,
George standing from his chair. The boys hair looked freshly dried, new clothes on from a shower it seems as well.

"mhm, why?" George asked, walking over to Dream.

"because you asked me to edit your video, remember? You said you'd be too tired after streaming" Dream tilted his head,
George's eyes going wide. Proof, literally seconds after the accusation, he was lazy.

"O-oh.. well.." he looked away, he couldn't bother Dream anymore than he already had. "I.. actually am feeling up it
it!" George wore a smile, the one Dream could always see through but George hoped to god he couldn't right now. "I didn't
do much while streaming so I think I'll edit it" he said, Dream looking over his expression carefully, George trying to keep
up the smile after just learning that the boy was only dating him for George to be happy.

"..okay.. why are yo-"

"What time is it? I bet your tired Dream" George interrupted, great, now he was annoying and interrupting.

Dream looked away, "um.. it's close to one am now-"

"what!? Why aren't you asleep!?" George exclaimed, a bit quietly since it was night, and he didn't want to wake Sapnap
if he was sleeping.

Dream shrugged, "you said to wait so I could edit your video, remember?" Dream asked, George feeling a ping of guilt and
worry shoot through his chest, running down his spine. He made Dream stay up for him? Just for him to edit the video?
George seemed like an asshole anyway you saw it. George looked down to the floor, his heart feeling hurt as he stared
down, he was a terrible person, let alone boyfriend. "George, how about I edit it tomorrow for you, okay? You seem a
bit bothered right now, so how about we go to bed?" He asked, touching George's arm, bringing him back to reality.

"..why? I'm fine, really Dream. I can stay up.." He looked away.

"George you've been streaming every single day for the past two weeks. You've obviously been exhausted and deprived of
sleep! You need some rest baby, you're over working yourself to death.." Dream said in a caring voice, "now, this is no longer
a request George, come to bed, we both know you need sleep" Dream raised his other hand, holding George's face with it,
the brunette looking up at him with a sad expression.

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