Chapter 65

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Alessandro's pov

"do we have any updates" I yell across the room of people with computers, laptops and tablets. Anything they would need to hurry the fuck up and find my sister

All I get in return is a bunch of people typing faster and stiffening, not one of them looking at me. From the corner of my eye, I can see James walking toward me.

"Hey, we are going to find her, okay? This is different from last time, she can actually fight and talk this time" James tries to help but it's not what I want to hear right now

"I know she can but what if all of that just makes he get killed faster I mean you've heard what she is like, if I had someone like her in my cell and she was doing what she normally did when we tested her I sure would have killed her" I really love my sister I do but during those tests to see if she could get out of cells of being tied she was annoying as hell, probably on purpose too

"yeah, but when you told me about her you also said she was really smart, probably smarter than you guys sometimes. She will be fine, she just has to focus on surviving. And we have to focus on finding her, soo you're going to eat sleep do anything but stand here and scan the room every second because it isn't helping you and it isn't helping them find Violet faster" James pushes me in the direction of the door and he is right I should be doing something that is actually helpful but I am just so worried about her

Huffing I scan the room one more time before heading to the door, knowing that James will take over just fine while I'm gone. Now all I have to do is try and make sure my whole family doesn't do anything stupid, which isn't really easy.

Because our house was trashed we all moved to the main bases and got anyone that wasn't already with us to come to the base as well. They were confused at first not knowing why but when they all saw what we looked like, blood on us and our faces sad and angry, and that Violet wasn't with us it only took a second for them to know and since then they have all been trying so hard like I have to find violet and get her back home.

Before going to the meeting room where the whole family is I stop by the kitchen grabbing a box on the way to the fridge and loading it with water, snacks, basically anything that can be eaten and drunk I shove in the box.

We have all been here for two days and we haven't showered or eaten anything, hell we haven't even slept but I know everyone is tired and hungry so I guess it's up to me to make sure nobody here gets hurt trying to find Violet.

Opening the door to the meeting room almost everyone has a laptop and is sitting at the table. When we were all training we had to know at least the basics of hacking, most of us though went father than just the basics. Leonardo, Andrea, Amadeo, Alonzo, Aurelio, Elijah, Quinn and Will and myself all went the furthest but none of us are the best.

Dumping all of the contents of the box onto the table makes a big noise that draws everyone's attention to me, looking annoyed and slightly grateful.

"Everyone is going to stop what they are doing and eat something have something to drink, then you are going to sleep. If everyone doesn't want to be asleep at the same time then we can all take shifts. But we are all going to take care of ourselves too because we need to be perfectly fine when we find Violet and go and save her" I know it is rude to speak to people older than you like this but they were spinning and I know that in this case I'm right, we can't all be burnt out when getting violet

Begrudgingly everyone at different times gets up and gets a bottle of water and a couple of bags of things before they sit back down and eat, some even leave the room with their things, probably going to shower and sleep.

I take a seat next to Massimo and Leonardo who are both eating while they are on their computer. Grabbing the computer Infront of me I take a look at what is happening. It looks like they were writing a code to scan everything traceable or with a camera of violets and see where they are and what they saw, then at the same time trying to make a map of where the people who took violet went. Leaning over to Massimo I see he is watching cameras of the street near here around the time Violet got kidnapped.

Leonardo is doing something similar, I am about to ask him what he's doing but the sound of a chair scraping against the floor takes my attention. Alonzo is standing there with almost a proud face.

"was violet wearing the shoes I gave her for Christmas last year?" he asks looking almost hopeful, looking to everyone that was at the house when she was kidnapped

"you mean the ones that are black and look weird as fuck" Romeo responds kind of confused

"yeah those ones" Alonzo nods a little too quickly

"she was why" Zaid looks almost a little hopeful

"Because when I was showing her how they have a knife hidden in the middle she said that there was a weird glowing thing, in the actual thing. She said that it looked a lot like a tracker, I just thought she was joking but she may not be" Finishing what he was saying Alonzo sits back down and goes straight to his computer

Just for a couple of seconds, I let myself feel the hope before I go back to work, I know for a fact now no one is going to be sleeping. Getting a different tab open, to not disturb the current code going I start trying to find the possible tracker. Everyone else doing the exact same thing. all of us getting lost in trying whatever we can to bring Violet back home faster 

. ☾ . 

I know this seems short but it is over one thousand words, I really am trying to write longer but I just don't know what to write when I get to the end and I don't want pointless endings for the chapters 

also, I have no idea how to hack or code and I have no idea what the correct wording or terminology is so I'm sorry if it sucked 

as always I hope you guys have a great day/night 

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