Chapter 100

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Violet's pov

It takes all of 5 minutes from when I walked into Elijah's office for Alessandro to come walking in only looking slightly uncomfortable.

Obviously, the first thing Elijah asked when I walked through the door was to ask if I was okay, apparently, I looked 'not like myself' so I told him everything I had to witness. So when Alessandro does walk through the door Elijah is smirking, a dead giveaway that he knows exactly what happened.

Alessandro turns towards me with a really look so I just shrug

"What he could tell that something happened!" I say a second after he slits his eyes a little

"I'm sure he was standing right by the door just waiting for me to come through" Alessandro says sitting down on the couch next to me

"If you must know I was sitting at my desk the whole time" Elijah interiors still with a smirk but this time just a little smaller

"Can we please go now?" I ask itching to finally see Mikeal and take out all of my frustration, all on him

Laughing both Alessandro and Elijah stand up, buttoning up their suits before walking out of the office. Taking that as our cue that we are finally leaving I quickly follow after them having to almost run to actually catch up to them.

"Elijah, are you coming with us?" I ask having finally caught up to them

"Well it's not like I have anything better to do and I want to see my baby sister do something that she has been aching to do all week" he explains chuckling a tiny bit

"Ah yes because it is normal to be so excited for your younger sister to be torturing someone" Smiling I look back over to Elijah just to make a point

"It is in this family" Elijah comments with a nod

And with that, we all walk down to the basement, we don't actually say anything else to each other considering all the hallways are terribly crowded. When we finally get to the basement Mikael is already in the chair ride down with a bag over his head.

Mikeal actually looks pretty rough, I mean before he was a little on the thicker side and he always had the aura about him but now there is nothing but a very terrible smell coming from him and he has definitely lost some weight.

Alessandro goes over and rips the bag off his head revealing his face all beat up with multiple wounds everywhere. He looks up once his eyes have adjusted to the light, smirking he looks right at me not at anyone else, but right at me almost looking into my soul.

" Well look who decided to finally join us" Mikeal quirks out almost painfully

" Oh, you mean the person that is going to be the last thing you see" I smirk back with as much nonchalance as I can muster

"Oh, please you couldn't even stop yourself from getting kidnapped. Who's going to say that you'll be able to kill me" Mikeal torments, looking as much in pain as he had before

"Well, then let's get going, then shall we," I say before going over to the table of torture devices, all picked out by me the day before

And with that, I throw a knife straight into his leg hearing his screams and cries filling up the room. 

two hours later and I'm covered in blood and honestly absolutely loving that I chose to wear full white today, alessandro and Elijah didn't seem to notice that I was wearing all white until the first spurt of blood landed on me. Mikael was passed out in his chair bleeding quite a bit, so now I have to stop and wait until he is all stitched and actually has enough blood in his body that we can do this again. 

it's strange I didn't think that doing this would give me this much of a realise of emotions, I mean it's not a very common thing to do to release built-up emotion but hey my whole situation isn't normal. 

with a small smile, I exit the room giving way for the doctors we have stationed near here. they don't really rush in but they certainly aren't going slow either, I think it's a mix of them not caring about the person they have to treat but knowing they need to be kept alive. 

walking out the hallway everyone I pass gives me weird looks, which is kind of funny considering we literally have all killed multiple people I'm sure, so seeing the sight of a person who has blood on them shouldn't be something so earth-shattering that you have to stare until you actually can't physically see them anymore. although it might be the fact that I am leaving a trail of blood behind me, I mean it looks like I'm creating a map on the floor. 

and just like that I walked in wearing a crisp white outfit and leave wearing clothes that are so full of blood I'm leaving a trail of blood everywhere with people looking at me. 

instead this time people aren't whispering and pointing at me, most of them are actually looking at me in fear. 

at least some things don't change I guess, no matter how weird the other parts of your life get. 

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