Chapter 55

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Violet's pov

I ended up just sitting on the couch watching a movie on my laptop, I did a solid hour of work and then I got bored and decided just to do work later, instead, I have just been watching movies. It has been about two hours since I last saw any of my brothers.

It sure is taking a really long time to finish this meeting, the last one only really lasted like 20 minutes but then again that was just a favour and wasn't really a meeting and this one is with actual important people.

Sighing I pause the movie and stand up, stretching my body. Looking out into the hallway suddenly a brilliant idea comes to mind. Smiling a open the door and walk out into the hallway. Heading straight to the main area, finding an empty desk with the computer still on I head straight toward it, smiling at anyone who looks at me on the way.

Sitting down I look over what the computer is open to, which are emails. Having a small, wicked smile on my face I open a new email draft. I start thinking about what I want to say in this email to whoever I find that looks interesting enough. After a second I finally think of what I want to say.

'Jackson I am so sorry, I didn't mean what I said and I have tried to tell you face to face but it seems that anytime I even am in the same room as you, you head straight for the exit. I really didn't want to tell you like this but I'm pregnant and the baby is yours, not Gabe's I know what you thought about Gabe but just because he was our boss doesn't mean that it would is frowned upon dating.

Just please at least let me know if you want to be in the baby's life because I am keeping it, you know how I felt about my childhood and I don't want my baby, our baby to feel that way.'

Looking through who this person has already sent things to find at least three Jacksons and one Gabe. I end up just clicking a random Jackson and the one Gabe and before I can think about what the hell I am doing I press send. Once I see that it has been sent I get up off the chair and head for the breakroom deciding to get some food and water.

The room is a little big but not too big that you think 'what the hell do they need all this space for'. The room has all of the normal things a big fridge, microwave, a bench and a sink with a bunch of seats everywhere.

Going over to the fridge I look in it to see that it is stocked with things, there are rows of about 5 different drinks including water, with the rest of the space being food most of them with names on them but there are a couple of snacks that don't have names on them.

Grabbing a water and a random snack I close the door and walk over to an empty table, sitting down I open both my water and my food then get out my phone and start eating while I scroll on my phone.

I'm only there for five minutes before I start heading back to Sandro's office, on the way there I see Sandro's assistant Isabella, walking over to her I smile before speaking

"Hey, do you know when they are going to finish the meeting? It feels like its been ages" I ask looking over at her

"yeah they should be finished in a little bit, they can take forever I know" she replies smiling

"Okay thanks" I say as I continue walking toward the prison office

Looking around the hall I make a last-minute decision and go into the abandoned office. The room is covered in dust and it's almost pitch black in here, coughing and rubbing my eyes to clear the dust I turn around and close the door, locking it to make sure nothing happens.

Turing on my phone flashlight I start looking around the room. it is different from the other offices, this one has almost a silly vibe to it, like if a clown was forced to give up his clowning life and be put into an office job. The room has almost I light feeling to it, different than the other offices.

Taking a couple of steps into the room, I focus on just the desk for now. It doesn't have any photos or anything on it, as a matter of fact looking around the room, there isn't anything on any of the furniture, the only thing visible in the room besides furniture is dust.

For some reason this is the only office that isn't in use and hasn't been for ages, I don't even think people go into this room. It's like there is an unspoken rule that people can't go into this room, they can't even look at it or talk about it.

Seeing as there isn't anything interesting in here, I unlock the door and leave. Going back to Alessandro's office, and sitting on the couch but this time instead of continuing watching the movie I rip a piece of paper from my notebook and start making an aeroplane. Finishing the final product I start flying it around the room, grabbing it and then flying it again. Then when I start to get a little bored with that I just use my hand and make the aeroplane fly around the room making noises with my mouth.

Halfway through when the aeroplane was going over the desk the door was thrown open with Alessandro standing in the doorway with both Elijah and Enzo behind him, both of which has a smile on their faces.

"Well look at you and your aeroplane. Did they conquer the island and win the war" Elijah asks looking amused

"you guys were gone for five hours so I had to fill my time up somehow" shrugging I walk over to the bin and throw the plane in the bin

"good news then because we can finally go home" Enzo almost beams

"Yesss" I exclaim running over to my bag and shoving everything back in there before stopping when I notice that all three of them are still in the doorway

"why are you just standing there, let's go already" I half yell being so excited to leave and go somewhere more interesting

"We're going we were just too busy watching you run around like a chicken" Elijah says with a smile

With a sarcastic smile, we all leave the room and start heading for the elevator, on the way there however two people sitting next to each other are gossiping just a little too loudly that everyone near them can hear.

"did you hear that apparently Jessica was sleeping with Gabe and Jackson at the same time and now she is pregnant and doesn't know who the baby's father is but is keeping it" the blonde says

"no I heard that the baby's father is Jackson but she had a one-night stand with Gabe just before she found out she was pregnant. But Gabe and her were dating before she started dating Jackson. And she sent the email to the wrong Jackson and when he tried to forward it to the right Jackson he accidentally pressed everyone" the brunette says with almost I wicked smile

I just smile harder as we pass them and are at the elevators. Only when we are in the elevators and the doors are closed does Enzo look over at me and arch an eyebrow.

"so what did you get up to when we were gone?" he asks almost suspiciously

"nothing much, sent an email, made an aeroplane, watched a couple of movies and saw your break room. Must say its better than what I've seen in movies" shrugging I make sure I face the doors

"you sent it didn't you" Alessandro says almost a little amused

"I don't know what you are talking about" I coyly respond just as the doors open 

. ☾ . 

I'm uploading now bc I won't have time to write anything tomorrow or upload so I thought instead of just missing it for the week and give you this 

fair warning in the next chapters to come (if it's not the next one)  there will be a jump, most of the time when writing this I just do whatever I want but this is one of the things that I actually had planned I just didn't know how or when but I think its at the right time to do it now. 

please try and prepare bc if I was reading this story I would definitely need to.

also, I know I say this like every chapter now but thank you so much for 68.7k reads it means a lot to me.

hope you have a good day/night 

my darling violetWhere stories live. Discover now