Chapter 98

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Violet's pov

I'm dying. Not literally but I will if I can't do anything. My body is almost fully healed and I have most of my movements back but still, everyone insists on doing everything.

I still can't see Mikael either so I spend all my time with Theo reading or in my room or trying to work out, but it's killing me not being able to see Mikael and give him what he deserves.

Luckily though today I have something to get my mind off of everything. Sarah and I decided to go out and just spend the day catching each other up on our lives, although most of my catching up will be pure lies I still can't wait.

Even just hanging out with Sarah will be better than spending all my time waiting until I'm allowed to torture Mikael.

She's coming over to pick me up and then we're going into town and just wondering really. we don't really have a plan, like most things we do.

Grabbing my phone off my bed I quickly run down the stairs knowing that she is going to be here any second. 

The doorbell rings, a familiar chime that signals Sarah's arrival. With a rush of excitement, I dash down the stairs, the echo of my footsteps bouncing off the walls. Each step feels lighter as if shedding the weight of the past days' burden.

As I reach for the doorknob, a smile dances on my lips. Sarah stands on the other side, her bright eyes reflecting the promise of a day filled with laughter.

"Hey, you ready for our day of fun?" she chirps, her voice infused with contagious enthusiasm.

I nod eagerly, feeling a sense of freedom wash over me. Today is about reclaiming moments of joy, about embracing the simple pleasures of friendship and freedom. The heaviness that once consumed me now feels like a distant memory, replaced by a newfound determination to seize each moment.

Stepping outside, the crisp air greets us, letting me forget about all thoughts of Mikael or my family for just a couple of hours. Together, Sarah and I get into her car with Sarah immediately taking off, the streets unfolding before us like an open book waiting to be explored. With no destination in mind, we wander aimlessly, our laughter mingling with the rhythm of the city.

With each passing moment, the weight of my worries diminishes, replaced by a sense of freedom and contentment. Today, I am not defined by the confines of my past, I am just a girl with her friend enjoying the day and whatever we get up to.

Together, Sarah and I navigate through the maze of the streets, weaving stores and people all doing something different, just talking with each other about meanless things but knowing that I will remember this day forever, knowing this day will symbolise me finally having everything I've ever wanted. Freedom, family and friends, people who actually care about me and love me for absolutely no reason. And as the sun begins to set, casting a warm glow upon the horizon, I realize that sometimes, the only thing you need to get your mind off things is a good friend who is sometimes a little crazy.

As we navigate through the bustling streets, I find myself losing track of time. Faces blur past, each one a story waiting to be told, a reminder that there isn't just my story there are other people who could be going through the same thing I went through. That thought suddenly sparks something in me, wanting to help all of those who have even felt the fear of returning home like I did for 15 years.

Sarah's laughter fills the air, a melody that dances in the air, pulling me from my thoughts. With her by my side, the weight of my worries seems to dissipate, replaced by a sense of love and belonging. In her presence, I am reminded of the resilience of friendship, the unwavering support that anchored me through life's twists and turns that they decided to throw at me like a boulder.

As we wander through the walkways of the city, I find myself captivated by the sights and sounds that envelop us. The vibrant storefronts beckon with promises of adventure, each one a doorway to an almost endless supply of things, like the bookstore we passed a while back that seemed to never end or the craft shop overflowing with different crafty things.

With Sarah's infectious energy leading the way, we embark on a journey of exploration, our footsteps echoing against the cobblestone streets. With every corner turned, I feel a surge of anticipation, a thrill of finally being able to hang out with my best friend and act like a normal teenage girl.

Our conversations drift effortlessly between laughter and serious talks, weaving a tapestry of shared memories and dreams. In Sarah's presence, I find solace, a sanctuary from the chaos that threatens to consume me.

As the day unfolds, I find myself immersed in moments of pure bliss, fleeting glimpses of serenity that stops the overflowing of my thoughts that are begging to come out. With Sarah at my side, the world seems to shimmer with possibility, each passing moment a testament to the power of friendship and resilience.

As the sun begins its descent, casting a golden hue upon the cityscape, I find myself lost in a moment of quiet reflection. In the midst of chaos and uncertainty, I am reminded of the simple joys that illuminate our lives, the laughter, and love that bind us together.

As the day draws to a close, I find myself filled with a sense of gratitude, a profound appreciation for the moments of joy that only came with my family saving me from my captures and myself. With Sarah's friendship and my family's love, I know that no matter what trials may lie ahead, I will always find solace in the warmth of their embrace.

. ☾ . 

I know this isn't how I normally write but I was testing something out and I'm sorry if you really like it but it took me much longer and I don't really like how it's so sappy and stuff so next chapter will be back to normal. 

please don't forget to note and comment. 

I hope you guys are having a really good day/night and if not I hope it gets better

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