Chapter 96

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Violet's pov

Running up the stairs of the hotel seemed like a smarter idea when I was at the bottom of the stairs but seeing as we are staying at the penthouse, which is on the top floor I'm quickly regretting it. There are like 10 flights of stairs, and I am struggling on the 8th. It takes about 20 minutes for me to climb all the way up, I take a couple of deep breaths before running to the front door of our apartment.

You can hear everyone talking about something but it's all muffled through the door, but you can still tell at least one person is panicked. I take just one more deep breath before opening the front door as quietly as humanly possible.

Closing the door behind me I don't even listening to the conversation that happening because I'm so focused on getting into my bedroom. I have no idea if Alessandro is home, hell I'm not even sure if anyone noticed I was gone.

I just make a B-line for my room, maybe I can convince people I was in my room the whole time.

"stop right there" comes a voice just before I make it to the door of my room

I pause for a second before slowly turning around seeing not only Alessandro but also everyone else who went with him. Great this is going to be so much fun.

"where the hell have you been" Alessandro says looking probably as mad as I've ever seen him

"um, I went for a walk since I wasn't allowed to go with you guys" I say as nonchalantly as possible

"did you miss the point where we are in someone else's territory, someone we don't know" Alessandro is practically yelling by the end of it looking enraged

"I was fine, I just went to a park that's all" I say shrugging my shoulders

"oh really you went to a park for more than an hour" Alessandro says shrugging as well trying to be me

"I stopped by a café but yes I spent an hour at a park" It occurs to me at this point that it might be smart to just tell everyone what had actually happened but I made a promise to Rico and I am completely fine so there isn't really a point in telling anyone

"get your things packed, we're leaving right now" is all Alessandro says before turning around and walking into the living room

With a sailor nod of whatever they call it and continue off to my room. considering we've only been here for like a day I only have a small amount I need to actually pack. It takes a total of five minutes even with doing the second sweep of the room just to make sure I've packed everything.

Then I proceed to drag my bag to the living room where everyone else is. I'm assuming everyone else has packed because when I went into the room Ares things were nowhere to be found.

"we've already taken Mikael on another plane with half of the guards so we are going to have to be quick" Elijah says seeing as mostly everyone is already downstairs

Nodding everyone that's left heads straight for the door, pretty much running to the car because we don't have our guards stations everywhere to make sure something like us getting shot by a sniper doesn't happen.

As soon as we get to the jet we all pile in and take off almost immediately, and I do the same thing as the trip coming here. Reading on my phone whilst listening to music.

By the time we land it is night time. Mikael would have gotten here not that long ago so hopefully everything went well and he is tightly locked up in our most secure base. Alessandro hasn't looked at me since this morning but I think he was just scared that I was going to get hurt but I have no idea.

When we get home we all head our separate ways and head off to bed considering it's like 2 in the morning. Although I'm pretty sure Alessandro goes straight to his office to do work.

When morning comes around everyone Is pretty tired considering we all got a minimum of four hours of sleep. Instead of our normal talkative breakfast with everyone chatting to each other, we are all just sitting around the table eating our food.

So it isn't long until we all have finished breakfast and are cleaning up the table. Seeing as I haven't gotten a lot of sleep and my brain is refusing to do anything normal like reading, I head back to my room, jump on the bed and turn on the TV.

Probably 20 minutes later there is a knock on my door but before I can say anything the door opens. Theo walks in with a small lazy smile. Not saying anything he sits on the bed beside me.

"Hey, I heard what happened" he says while looking at me

"Which part?" I ask returning the same lazy smile

"the part about Alessandro not allowing you to go with him"

"ah yeah well it's done now and at least we got him" I say shrugging, something I seem to be doing a lot

"it was still not very cool of him" Theo says holding eye contact with me

Instead of replying I just shrug again and shuffle around on the bed so I'm facing Theo better.

"so what do you consider a good show" he asks grabbing the remote and pressing play

He takes a couple of seconds to watch the screen before turning his head slowly over to me with a blank face.

"you are watching Shrek" he deadpans with slight surprise on his face

"What I like watching kid's movies" I explain looking a little sheepish

"well alright then" and with that he presses play and settles back onto my bed laying against all of my pillows

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