Chapter 54

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Violet's pov

I decided to just stay where I was and got out my laptop, while Elijah and Enzo both went to their offices. Alessandro turned his attention to his work as I do with mine and we both started working in quiet. It was like this for maybe an hour before Alessandro stopped working, looked up at me and then said "I have to go to  the meeting now, I'll be back when it's over" before standing and walking toward the door.

Standing in the doorway Alessandro turns back toward me and asks

"do you want to come and see what happens?"

"really?" I turn so I am fully facing him

"yeah, I mean you don't have to but we all have seen what it was like when dad was running the place I just thought you might want to see what happened" he shrugs before going to take a step out the door only halting a little when I almost scream 'wait' moving the things off my lap and walking really fast to him before he fully leaves me behind

Walking down the hallway I look into both Elijah and Enzo's offices. They are both working with their heads down, fully into whatever boring thing they have to do. Elijah's office is right Infront of Alessandro's which means both of them can see eachother when they are at their desks. Lorenzo's office is right next to Elijah's looking into the office that seems like it hasn't been in use in a long time.

Making our way down the hallways, I mentally map every twist and turn we make, hopefully being able to find my way back to the offices. When we come to a stop we are outside what I am sure is their smallest conference room on this level, which is actually really big and could probably seat atleast 20/30 people. Inside the room there is already a man who looks similar in age to Alessandro maybe a couple years older.

"try not to make to many noises okay, the guy is a prick and I would rather him beings a prick to me than you" Alessandro says turning to me before we walk in the room as soon as I nod he opens the door and walks into the room, leaving the door open for me to walk in

The guy stands up as we make our way toward the table, I sit down as Alessandro shakes the guys hand having put his stone cold face on.

"Shawn" is the only thing Alessandro says with a small nod

"Mr Costello, good seeing you again" Shawn say while shaking Sandro's hand still

"this is mt little sister, she is just going to be watching" sando explains as he sits down in the chair next to me

Shawn doesn't say anything about me, seemingly like he is afraid of what will happen if he does.

"okay so I'm just going to cut to the chase, I know how valuable your time is and mine certainly is as well. I have a product that I am sure if going to be huge I just need someone to manufacture it and sell it" gone was the afraid Shawn, this Shawn looks like nothing would scare him

"what is the product" sando asks looking a little bored

"it's a small device that can pick up any sound around it for 4 km, it can pick up the sound of breathing from across the room" Shawn looks like he couldn't be happier, he doesn't actually have a grin but you can tell he is trying really hard not too

"so it's a microphone, you are trying to get me to buy a microphone from you and mass produce it" Sandro says in a bored tone

I try really hard not to make any sound but its really hard when you have a guy who looks over the moon about something that has already been invented

"its not a microphone, microphones can't pick up the sound of breathing from across the room, can they" Shawn sounds almost desperate, like this is his last shot

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