Chapter 15

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Violet's pov

I wake up with people whispering, I focus on who it is without opening my eyes and pretending to still be asleep.

"they're so cute!" I hear Xavier I think say

"We should take a photo" Elijah says, he literally sounds like a mother.

"Maybe we should stop standing over them like this"

"It's kind of creepy" Lorenzo says the first bit and then Xander says the last both with weird voices.

I decide that they've had enough so I push my face further into Alessandro's chest and hope that he wakes up, but no he just pulls me closer to him making the rest aww at us.

I decide to just harry this up and pinch his stomach/his hip I don't know but I pinch somewhere on him with my eyes still closed.

This finally wakes him up and sits up and just pulls me even closer, so much so that I have to fight to not scream out in so much pain.

I just pretend to wake up, opening my eyes and rubbing them with the back of my hand getting the sleep out of my eyes.

I look up and look around seeing the rest of my brother in a semi-circle all looking at me and Alessandro.

"cause this isn't weird at all" I say looking at Elijah, Lorenzo, Xavier and Xander, I mean what the fuck they're just watching us sleep like it's a normal thing?

Alessandro chuckles and shakes his head, I slap him lightly which just makes him chuckle more.

"well if you're all done looking at my majestic self I'm going to take a shower" I say getting up from the couch and heading upstairs slowly, not ready to climb the stairs and also I just woke up like give me a break.

Walking into my room I almost trip over a shopping bag, looking around my room there is no part of the floor that isn't covered by a shopping bag. Not feeling like putting them away I just move some of the bags with my foot to make a walkway, on the way I grab a new shirt and some sweat pants with underwear.

After having a quick hot relaxing shower, washing my hair and body, I get out facing away from the mirror. I dried myself and put on my underwear now facing the mirror, I look over my purple, blue and yellow body, cuts over most of my body.

Seeing that some of them look like they're infected, I rummage through the cupboards finding a first aid kit.

Opening it up I find some anti-sceptic cream, I put it on all of my cuts and marks just to make sure that nothing will happen. Knowing my luck, it will get infected if I don't put on anti-septic cream.

After finishing putting the cream on I wash my hands and put the cream in the top drawer knowing I'll need it again. After putting my clothes on and brushing my hair while the cream gets absorbed into my skin.

Then I finally finish everything, putting on concealer, brushing my hair and making sure that everything is covered. I exit my bathroom and decide that I don't want to go downstairs just yet I get out my sketchbook and finally finish off the drawing I've been doing for the past three/four days.

I honestly have no idea what I'm trying to say with the drawing, maybe it's supposed to represent me wanting to break free of the past and everything that's happened to me or trying to break free of the mask that I always put up

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I honestly have no idea what I'm trying to say with the drawing, maybe it's supposed to represent me wanting to break free of the past and everything that's happened to me or trying to break free of the mask that I always put up. Either way, it still is a kind of good drawing.

Deciding that I should go back downstairs and see some of the brothers, you know so they know I'm still alive after being here for hours. Hiding my sketchbook under my mattress and the bed frame.

I was heading toward the stairs, I can hear Xavier and Xander talking on the other end of the house, deciding to check it out I head away from the stairs and go toward the room they were both in.

Both of them are sitting on a couch each and they are playing a video game in a room with a pool table, air hockey and pretty much any other game you could imagine.

They both don't notice me being too engrossed in their game, I decide to just stay there in the room so I go and sit next to Xavier on his couch.

They both finally notice me when I sit next to him, they both look at me and smile and then turn back to their game.

I just sit there and watch the game trying to figure out what they do and why they're playing it.

It doesn't take me that long to know what they're doing in the video game. personally, I find that it looks kind of dumb but I mean I've only just seen it so it could be okay.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" Xavier asks, it wasn't in a mean way, he just sounded curious

"I was heading downstairs and heard you two" I say still looking at the game

"do you want to have a turn?" he asks after the round ended

"your going to have to teach me" I say taking the controller from him.

He slides closer to me and places me in between his legs, I stiffen as he picks me up and puts me down, I think he can see me stiffen but he doesn't say anything and places his hands over mine and holds the controller too.

After 15 minutes later I can play the game pretty well and can almost beat Xander but I think that he's going easy on me. Either way, it was still really fun and that's how we spent the rest of the day.

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