Chapter 39

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Violet's pov

Waking up the next day I'm covered in sweat and shaking, focusing so much on not crying I don't realise that there is an arm on my waist. I go to get up but am pulled back down by a weight, looking down I finally realise that Matias has his arm across my waist and we're in the lounge room with everyone else.

Everyone is asleep and it is still dark outside so it's probably really early in the morning. Carefully I take Matias's hand off my waist and place it next to me, getting up I have to be careful that I don't step on anyone or wake them up and it's kind of hard when the only thing giving you light is the tv.

Being on edge I get out of the room as soon as I can without stepping on anyone. As soon as I'm out I go straight to my room, knowing that it's the best place right now where I won't wake anyone up. Shutting the door I let everything out. Breaking down crying I slide down the door so I fall to the floor, trying to be as quiet as I can.

I'm just so tired of having these nightmares/memories, I have at least two a week and it is always the bad beatings that I see, a couple of times when I first got here even my brothers were in it and they enjoyed watching me suffer. It took a while for me to realise that they wouldn't hurt me but now I know that they would hurt others if they tried to hurt me.

This nightmare was one of the worst ones that I had ever had. It was the first time when the beating lasted all night. I was late getting home so I didn't finish all of the chores and mother and her husband came back while I was still cleaning up all the alcohol bottles and coke lines, they thought that I was cleaning up stuff that I had done so for the rest of the day and night they beat me, made me drink three bottles of alcohol and do two lines of coke. Then after all of that, they decided that they should burn the wounds that were bleeding still so they grabbed this metal pipe I think, heated it up and then burnt me everywhere. My body was covered from head to toe with burns.

I'm surprised that I was still able to function with those burns but then again if I didn't they would beat me again and then force me to get up. Crying I found was one of the only things that helped with getting over whatever you want to call this. Most of the time I cry for an hour or so but today was a solid two hours, by the time I actually had a clear vision it looked like the sun was only just peaking up.

Crawling over to my phone on my bedside the table charging I turn it on and see that it's 4 am. Knowing that I probably look like hell I go over to my closet and pull out some workout clothes deciding instead of just sitting here ill workout. Having a quick shower before making my way to the gym.

(I'm not good at writing this so I'm just not going to. Imagine as you please)

Finishing after maybe two hours I have a quick shower before deciding to wake the rest of the guys up. Walking into the lounge room carrying an air horn. Alessandro and Elijah weren't there but I don't think they slept here last night so they are probably either still asleep in their own beds or working in their offices. Pressing down on the air horn making a really loud honk making all of the boys jump up and even Matias, Lorenzo and Xander go to grab either a gun or knife that's probably hidden on them. I burst out laughing, most of them still having no idea what just happened and looked extremely confused.

"what the hell was that for" Xander the angry king he is almost yells walking toward me

"you guys needed to wake up and not sleep the day away" I try and say coherently not laughing

"so funny" Jake says trying to be still nice about it

"okay I'm sorry, but you know you would have done it too"

"Hey, what's for breakfast?" Matias walks over to me and turns me around walking towards the kitchen

"I don't know, I didn't make anything" I say walking into the kitchen

"what about pancakes?" Quinn opens the cupboard looking through for all the ingredients

"yeah that's fine, Noah can you grab me a mixing bowl" I say walking over to grab the things from the fridge while pointing at the cupboard

Since I've been here I have found almost everything so I'm pretty comfortable cooking here. After we have everything Quinn, Noah and Matias help me make and cook the pancakes while the rest of the guys either chop up some of the fruit or make some cream. The guys that aren't doing that are getting the table set up.

It takes around 30 minutes with all of us talking and mucking around but we finally have enough pancakes to feed the whole house, which let me tell you is so much. There are literally two mountains of pancakes sitting at either end of the table with all of the toppings in the middle.

I sit down in the seat I was sitting in last night and watch, knowing that this is going to be one of those times that I will remember forever. Just me and my friends and brother sitting around laughing and talking like it should always be.

"hey are you going to eat anything" Matias pulls me out of my thinking

I turn my head to him and give a small smile while getting up and putting two pancakes on my plate with whipped cream a little bit of maple syrup and some fruit. Matias looked at me the whole time, I don't know if he was just curious or he was having the same thought as me but for some reason, I didn't mind that he was staring at me. It made me feel kind of safe, knowing that he was always there whenever I needed him.

We all stay sitting there and talking even when we all finished eating, the only reason we actually got up was that we had to get ready for school. Me being already dressed and ready meant that I didn't really have to do anything, I just had to make sure I have everything I need for today and then I was done.

So while the guys were getting ready I was tidying up the kitchen and the dining room, I was almost done when I felt someone behind me. Turning around I see will just standing there looking at me.

"hey what's up" I say, he was acting a little weird but I mean that's will he's like that sometimes

"I was just trying to think of the easiest way that's all" he says cryptically not looking away from me

"the best way to what?" I ask laughing a little bit

"to kill you" 

. ☾ . 

sorry it's so short but I had to leave it on a cliffhanger 

I might upload the next chapter soon though so you won't have to wait that long 

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