Chapter 50

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Violet's pov

So Xander has been a peach all day. Every second I am out of class there he is looking at me and walking me to my next class, every time a guy even looks at me for a second he tries to start a fight with them which ends up in me dragging him away. Apparently, Xander doesn't think that I was at the nurse's office so he thinks I was skipping with a boy. I told him countless times that I wasn't with anyone but the nurse but for some reason, he seemed hellbent on proving me wrong.

So I am kind of freaking out, I mean I was with a boy and not just any boy but our sworn enemy. I don't even know how he thought of it but it really isn't helping me at all, and neither is the fact that I can't even freak out properly because he is always outside my classroom. I mean he never leaves my side.

I have been trying to think of a way that I can get rid of him but I don't think I can fully get rid of him without the help of everyone else, which sucks because that means I have to wait until lunch. I'm hoping that we can actually convince him to back off because I need to go to my history classroom to make sure that my teacher is saying and doing the right thing and I also need to go to the nurse's office to make sure that she can say I was actually there, plus I still have to text Alex and tell him that I don't think I can go with him on Tuesday because of my stupid, stupid brother.

I can't even text anyone because stupid Xander took my phone, he says that if whoever I was with was going to text me then he should be asking my brothers first and not sneaking around with me during classes. Which I mean I would kind of agree too if it was anyone else. Luckily though last night I deleted Alex's texts and pretty much anything that has to do with him. It really didn't take too long considering I was only talking to him for like two weeks.

I also want to see if my history teacher can send me everything that we do during class just so when we have tests and everything I actually know what the hell it asks about. And that way if my brothers get suspicious again I could always make the comment that if I wasn't in the class then how do I have all this homework. I mean it's not the best but I think it will do if they get a little suspicious. Not like how Xander is right now.

Drawing me out of my thoughts is everyone around me getting up and walking out the door with their books, their chairs scraping against the floor as they get up. It takes me a second to realise that the fire alarm is blaring, quickly grabbing all of my things I walk out the door seeing Xander still standing there but now Matias and Xavier are both there, their eyes trained on the door obviously waiting for me, with a small sigh I walk over to them with a little bit of confusion.

"what's happening, why are you guys here and not outside" I ask standing in Infront of them

"For some reason, Xander was already here, so when I texted him to see where you were, he told me, and Matias was with me. We were worried about you. Someone pulled the fire alarm for no reason, we are just making sure that you are safe" Xavier replies with a concerned face

"We should probably get out of the building with everyone else" I go to step back and start walking out of the building but one look at the guys made me stop

"Guys I'm fine, Xander has been watching me all day so even if someone was trying to take me they couldn't" finally having them reassured we head for the front doors of the school

As we are walking down the corridor I look inside one of the classrooms, only to find Alex with his two friends all of them looking at us. More specifically Alex looking at me and his two friends glaring at my brothers and Matais. While walking down the hallway, still keeping eye contact Alex all of a sudden whispers 'shit'. Which makes me very confused so I scrunch up my face still looking at him.

Somehow, Xander, Xavier and Matias haven't noticed that Alex and his two friends are staring at us so when I twist my face in confusion, Alex shakes his head quickly telling me to just act normal but it's too late because Xander looking at my face obviously seeing my face change and then looks in the direction I am looking.

When he sees that it is Alex and his friends he stops walking, looks back at me for a second and then looks back over to Alex, looking very confused. Alex catches Xander looking over at him so instead of looking at me he turns and looks back to the three guys and starts glaring, this for some ungodly reason calms Xander and his shoulders physically relax.

We all turn ahead of us again when we get to the front doors of the school, pushing them open and walking through them, the whole school is there standing in the parking lot and talking to their friends. Some of them actually look worried but the others just seem to be happy that they don't have to do schoolwork.

Looking around the parking lot more, all our friends are standing next to our cars and looking right at us, some of the cars are actually turned on and waiting to be driven off. Knowing that I could actually leave school early I practically take off running trying to get there as fast as I can so we can go home.

As soon as I get close enough, I jump and wrap my arms around Aurelio's neck, Aurelio only gives me a small but tight hug before he puts me back on the ground. Everyone else seemingly has made a circle around us.

"so are we going home or what" I ask practically pouncing in excitement, I don't necessarily know why but hey I get to leave school today when it was giving me hell

"We are actually going to the base, apparently something happened and we all need to meet up including Niall, Louis and Zayn" Romeo responds dulling my excitement just a little bit

That honestly explains why Sarah is locked in the car, I'm assuming. She was just banging against the window and yelling at will when I was running over but I was too excited that I didn't really pay any attention to it.

"alright then what are we going to do about Sarah and where are we going to go, we still haven't found who the mole is so its not really safe at the base" I kind of don't like how Sarah doesn't really know anything, she is the one girl in this group and I can't talk to her about a part of my life.

"We are just going to drop her off at her house and then we're going to the base" Matthew explains looking over briefly at Sarah

"Okay well let's leave this joint" I exclaim with a little enthusiasm

We all get into the car, me making sure that I'm in the same car as Sarah and also Xander. Leaning over the Xander in the front seat I put my face right next to his making sure my voice is loud enough that Romeo can hear but not so loud that I am yelling.

"Can I have my phone back now, I don't think you will find it interesting anymore" this catches Romeo's attention, so while he is driving the damn car he puts most of his attention on Xander and me.

"Why do you have her phone?" Romeo looks very confused but he also has this dumb look on his face which just makes him look weird

"because he thinks it is perfectly fine to skip his classes just so he can watch me 24/7 during class and keep my phone so I can't text anyone, including you guys" I deadpan looking in Infront of us

"give her phone back to her and stop skipping classes. If you don't I'll call Alessandro right now, when he is all stressed out" when he finished I knew that Romeo had him, nobody wanted to talk to Alessandro when he was stressed out especially not getting yelled at

Reluctantly Xander pulls out my phone and with a huff, he passes it to me, with just a little extra force, he doesn't look at me but if he did he would see that I had a massive smile on my face. Sitting back I focus my attention back on Sarah and start a conversation with her until we get to her house to drop her off. 

well, I guess I won't get to talk to the nurse or my history teacher today.

. ☾ .

this is probably the worst one I've written so far I'm sorry I have been really busy lately and I only wrote this today.

i will try and write better for the next chapter but we'll see 

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