Chapter 22

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Violet's pov

The base was near nothing, but trees and you could hear nothing from out here. But when you first step into the base there Is a stark difference, people were talking, and people moving around.

When people saw us though they all stopped talking and looked at us, none of them was moving. My family just pretended they weren't there like they were used to this, all with their head held high with blank faces and their walking oozing with confidence, so that's exactly what I did my face blank, my head held high and my walk oozing confidence.

A man walked up to us and I had to stare at him to finally remember where I've seen him. It was James, Elijah's best friend and apparently also Alessandro's. and of course, he has to work in the mafia too because what best friend wouldn't work for their mafia.

we went down a lot of hallways that I can't even keep track of, we finally stopped outside a door, and they all looked at me. That's when James finally saw me he was at first very confused and just stared at me then a grin was plastered over his face.

"Well hello again violet" James says with a smile

"Hey, we gonna get this show on the road or do we plan on dying out here?" I ask first looking at James and then at the rest of my family

"um, do you want us to come in or we can just wait out here?" Alonzo asks I can tell that they're worried about me being in there with them but hey they're not doing anything.

"you guys can come in but don't say anything and don't question what I'm doing, also I'll be fine he is tied down to the chair right so he can't hurt me" I say and they all look not fully convinced.

We enter the room and I don't see the buckets of water and the squirter, I turn to Nicolo and he gives me one finger saying just one minute.

Two men enter the room each with a bucket of water, they place it next to me and one of them pulls out the squirter from their pocket, I smile at them say thank you and they both leave closing the door.

I turn to Alessandro and we lock eyes,

"do we have a name for our guest?" I ask putting it softly, I mean we did kind of kidnap him but oh well potato/potahto.

"no he would give us anything" Alessandro replies and I can tell that he is really annoyed about it.

"Okay well thanks anyway" I say and turn back to our guest

"hej, har du ett namn eller kan jag bara hitta på ett?" I ask him, knowing he's awake but just having his head down.

(hej, har du ett namn eller kan jag bara hitta på ett?- hey, you got a name or can I just make one up?)

His face is kind of bad, I mean there is blood, he has bruises and he has a massive bump on his cheekbone.

I can tell that both my family nor the guy didn't expect me to know Swedish but I was bored for like three days so I decided to learn Swedish, it was a weird language to just start learning but hey I was bored.

"jack, jag heter jack" he says after looking at me for a couple of seconds

(jack, jag heter jack- jack, my name is jack)

"okej så här är hur det kommer att gå. du berättar allt du vet om din maffia och du lider inte. du ljuger för mig du får ont, förstår du?" I say and he just looks at me, obviously not believing anything I'm saying

(okej så här är hur det kommer att gå. du berättar allt du vet om din maffia och du lider inte. du ljuger för mig du får ont, förstår du?- okay so here is how this is how it's going to go. you tell me everything you know about your mafia and you don't suffer. you lie to me you get pain, you got it?)

my darling violetTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang