Chapter 30

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Violet's pov

It is finally lunch and oh my god am I ready to at least not do any more work. For the whole of geography Matias was trying to distract me, looking at me, grabbing my pen, and writing on my paper.

By the end of the lesson, I had punched him so many times that my fist hurt. When the bell went Matias walked me to the cafeteria. The whole day people were watching me and whispering. Walking into the cafeteria, I scan the room seeing my family and some other people sitting at a really big table off to the side a bit from the middle of the room.

Literally, most people are making glances at them and then going back to their friends. The people who aren't watching my family are watching me, maybe like 5 people are not paying attention at all. Walking straight over to them I sit down in a free spot between Gabriel and Romeo. Most of the people at the table are a guy but there are only like three girls, and all of them are probably just trying to sleep with one of them. Some of them must have heard about me because when they saw me walking up to them beside Matias, they look a little sceptical but don't say anything and just keep looking.

Nobody says anything about me being here, but my family look at me and gives me either a small smile or a tilt of the head. Nobody says anything until this one guy decides to break it.

"who's the hot chick?" while pointing towards me, I go to respond but before I can, Xander speaks

"This 'chick' is our sister and you speak to her with respect" Xander says clearly trying not to punch him

"since when did you have a sister?" one of the other guys says, all of the attention now on us

"since fifteen years ago, they just didn't want me to meet you guys and I can tell why" I say getting the conversation over with

"what's the supposed to mean, we are great people" another guy says

Looking around the table most of them have at least one tattoo and they all look like they do illegal shit. I could probably guess that if I had lived with my brothers they would want me to grow up around these guys.

"wait so where did you live before, because trust me if you were here I would know" one guy called Ashton I think said

"um, I lived with some family in another state" by now I think they knew that I didn't really want to talk about it so luckily they moved on

"violet, these are our friends, Guys violet" Matthew said finally letting me have the names of the guys

"yeah I've met Matias before, were so far in two classes together" I could tell the guys weren't very happy about that but they couldn't really do anything right now about it

"so how are classes going?" Alonzo says

"it's okay I guess I mean I had maths with Bruno and Matias so it wasn't all bad but my god that teacher sucks. Then I had geography with Matias again and that was annoying as hell. Can't we just go home?" I ask with hopeful eyes looking at my brothers and the older cousins

"no unfortunately we have to stay here, Alessandro would kill us if we left" Xavier sighed

"what class do you have next?" Aurelio asks

Taking out my schedule I look through it and then sigh

"I have English in room 410" I grumble

I look around the room and see Matias with a slight smirk on his face.

"oh come on, I have to put up with you again"

"you know I'm starting to think that someone put us in all the same classes" he says smirking

I just grumble and look around the table, some of them have a curious expression

"does anyone else have it too?" I ask almost desperate not to be with just him, I can't focus when he is trying to annoy and distract me.

"Nah we don't have any classes with you, sorry" Amadeo replies

We continued to talk about random things with me occasionally stealing food from everyone, they were all pretty friendly, all the girls were just sitting there either sucking on one of the boys' necks or with their hands somewhere on them. There was only one girl that didn't do anything, she just sat there and looked at everything, honestly, she seemed pretty chill.

Soon the bell went so Matias and I went off to English, I sat in the back again with him next to me and the seat next to me was free. After a little bit, the teacher finally showed up and started her lesson.

We were learning about Shakespeare and we had to read a book of his and then write a report about it. Halfway through the lesson, though the door was swung open and a guy walks in like he doesn't have a care in the world, ignoring the teacher that was trying to get his attention and walking straight to the back of the class.

I don't pay much attention until he starts walking towards me, his eyes examining me from head to toe, not getting much since I've made sure to have my face blank for the whole day except when I was talking to my family and friends at lunch.

Not saying anything he walks next to me and drops his head next to my ear

"This seat taken?" he says in his rich voice that is a little rough

"no" I reply simply not knowing if I should say anything at all from the dirty looks he's getting from Matias

Sitting right down next to me he grab a pen but no notebook and looks at the teacher almost saying that she may continue, the teacher fed up with him just turns away and continues what she was saying before he walked in.

I go back to my notebook but am disturbed by the guy sitting next to me

"alexander" he says simply

"what?" I ask perplexed

"my names alexander" he says simply

"oh, violet-" before I can say anything more Matias is squeezing my thigh so I turn away from alexander and towards Matias

"stop talking to him and stay away from him, he's bad news" Matias says with anger

Not wanting to make something from what seems to be nothing I just nod my head and push away his hand, going back to focusing on the teacher and the assignment.

. ☾ . 

I know this is short but it's early and I'm still going to upload another one tomorrow 

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