Chapter 85

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Violet's pov

It's been two hours, James and Antonio have made some progress and we now know that he joined our mafia when he was twenty-four. He was average for the group he was training with. Someone that is useful but that doesn't leave a big impression.

Personally, that's what I would do if I was trying to infiltrate a mafia and not get caught or at least give me some time to do what I needed to.

The boys aren't talking to each other still, although it's less awkward now that time has passed.

We have situated Benjamin with a place for him to take some calls and things because he needs to sort some things out. So while he is doing that Theo and his parents are on their phones doing god knows what.

Alex is still just sitting there not talking to anyone. I still think it's weird that he is here even though he helped me and Ares escape, he shouldn't be able to see everything we do but it isn't my decision if Sandro wants to keep eyes on him all the time and him following us around like he is a part of this family then fine.

Sighing I sit up properly and look at James and Antonio

"Do you guys think you can actually get all of the information or are you just trying to get as much as you can?" I question bored out of my mind

"Antonio looks up from his laptop, James not even moving his head. Antonio looks at me with a look I have never seen on his face before, it's like a mix of uncertainty and wariness

"We are doing both, we don't actually know if we can get everything but we also have confidence that we can get it. But we need time. And silence" Antonio responds almost coldly

"Well I'm going to the gym" I say looking over to Alessandro seeing him nod

Practically everyone gets up and runs to the door with me when they see Alessandro nod, even Theo and Alex are coming.

Knowing sometimes when we come here we are going to unexpectedly want to work out we all have spare clothes here in a locker room type thing that only our family can use. Alex and Theo both use someone else's clothes because obviously, they don't have any either.

Once we are all changed into working out clothes we head to the gym that is mostly used by us. Most people don't want to take the chance of running into the family that runs the place when they are working out. But then you have some people that either don't care or we are actually friendly with them.

Getting into the gym we all go our separate ways, I go straight to the punching bag. I don't bother wrapping my hands and just get straight to it.

I find that when I need to think but I don't want to be still the punching bag is my best friend, it doesn't require much thinking once you know how to actually punch.

So while I get into the rhythm my mind takes over with thoughts.

Like why the hell did it have to be Antonio we needed help from, why he was cold to me, when are we going to finally get the bastard that hurt me.

I get so caught up with my thoughts that time escapes me and I'm not paying attention to my surroundings anymore. so when someone puts their hand on my shoulder I don't think, I grab their hand and throw them to the floor with as much strength as possible.

Only when I hear the people around me stop what they are doing and the area around me goes silent do I realise that I'm in the mafia gym, which means there are no threats in here.

Looking down, Theo is on his back rolling around slightly. Finally getting back to my senses and everything around me I drop to the floor next to him.

"shit are you okay. I didn't mean to hurt you" I exclaim as I look into his eyes

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