Chapter 74

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Violet's pov

All night both me and Ares were tossing and turning. Never truly falling into a deep sleep. When either of us would sift the other would wake up and look around the room, seeing if anyone else was in there and then we would just lay there until we fell back asleep.

I don't think either of us are in the mindset that we aren't back there being on edge all the time, every sound being a person coming towards you, most likely going to hurt you.

When the sun finally rose and it was a normal time to be awake, I started getting ready as Ares was showering, both of us not speaking about the night we had or why.

It didn't take long for us to be ready, so when we were we headed downstairs. Both of us having said nothing to each other except good morning. When we got to the bottom of the stairs we could smell the food and hear everyone talking and laughing. It was oddly weird listening to everyone and smelling something that would taste good and smell good.

All we had in there was the scrapes of the guards. Sometimes some bread, sometimes they would be mean and mash everything together so it tasted really bad and sometimes you got nothing, it was all up to how they were feeling.

"This is weird isn't it" I ask turning to Ares

"yeah, it is. I haven't actually had this since you were gone and a little bit after when we still tried to be the same" Ares looks over at the kitchen doorway fondly before turning and looking at me

We stand there for a little bit before both taking big breaths and walking toward the doorway, the laughter only getting louder the closer we get.

When we get to the doorway we stop and scan the room. everyone is here Theo and his parents are sitting down at the counter while Charles is in the kitchen cooking what looks like pancakes. Elijah, Leonardo and Matias are all making different things. Everyone else is sitting down and talking, even Alex is talking with Noah, Ashton and Zaid. James Is here Aswell talking to Sandro probably about business.

When we step further into the room everyone snaps their heads in our direction, all conversation stops and it's dead silent except for the pancakes cooking on the stove. Luckily they all seem to snap out of it because a couple of seconds later they all slowly turn back to their conversation and act like us entering the room making everything come to a crashing halt.

I go over to Elijah, Matias and Charles who are all working in sync. While Ares heads over to Alex, almost making a straight B-line for him. Instead of doing anything like I normally would I just turn my attention to Elijah and Charles who are in front of me with Theo and his parents beside me.

"so what's for breakfast. It smells good" Instead of saying I'm starving, which I am, I try keeping things semi-normal which means not talking about certain things for awhile

"We are making everything. Pancakes, French toast, eggs, bacon, normal toast. With everyone here we need a lot of food" Elijah is currently putting a crap ton of eggs into a bowl and then proceeds to whisk them

"Can I steal a pancake" I ask giving Charles my pleading face, seeing as he was the one currently making them

Charles smiles and hands me one that has cooled down a bit, putting it on a plate and then sliding a bowl of cream and syrup towards me.

"don't tell anyone. We've been telling them to wait until we put it on the table" Charles looks up for a second scanning the room almost making sure nobody saw what he handed me

After nodding I pile up some whipped cream with a small drizzle of syrup before folding it in half and taking a bit. Having to stop myself from sliding down the chair a bit. After eating terrible things for a week this is definitely the first thing I want to be eating.

"This is damn good" I exclaim quietly, wiping some of the cream off my lip

As I go to take another bit I hear chuckling, turning my head I see both Ella and Benjamin (Theo's parents) looking at me with adoration even Theo has a small smile on his face. Turning my head I see Charles and Elijah are trying not to smile as well, Matias too busy to notice the conversation.

Swallowing my mouthful quickly I turn my head back to Ella and Benjamin.

"what" I ask slightly confused

"Nothing dear" Ella responds still with a smile on her face but this time it's more reassuring

Shrugging I drop it and go back to my pancake. I know they are probably just glad that I'm home and not dead so they're enjoying me being back.

It doesn't take long for all the food to be ready and on the table, everyone sits down, my one pancake long gone.

We all grab our food pretty quickly before sitting down anywhere we find a seat. I end up next to Ares and Theo with Charles and Nicolo on the other side. Everyone else piles up their food practically grabbing on of everything but Ares and I only grab a little bit, knowing we won't be able to eat the amount of food that everyone else can eat.

Both of us have one pancake a piece of French toast and some bacon. Nothing too heavy. It's a little weird eating food like this and being surrounded by family but once conversation starts it's a little less weird, at least for me. Ares hasn't had this in like ten years.

Ares and I don't talk while eating, all we are focusing on is our food. We are still a little on edge but because e have so many people In here we aren't as on edge as we were last night.

As time goes on it gets harder and harder to finish my food, I still have some bacon and a little bit of a pancake but I really don't think I will be able to eat the rest, if I do I might be sick. Looking over to Ares's plate I see he has a little more than me still on his plate but it's kind of understandable his stomach got used to the tiny about of food he was eating so he must be really full for the first time in a while.

Ares looks up from his plate towards me with a small sad smile on his face that I match. Instead of embarrassing him I lean over slowly and whisper really quietly so only the two of us could hear

"Are you full" I question looking at him, not at his plate

After getting a nod from him I grab his plate and as quietly as I can scrap his food onto my plate and then stack them, neither of us would be able to finish this food so instead I quickly get up and head for the bin, dumbing the rest in there before heading to the sink and putting our plates in before heading back to my seat.

If anybody noticed what I did they didn't act like they did because when I got back everyone was still either in conversation or eating.

Soon after everyone has finished eating so we all help clean up putting the leftovers in Tupperware and putting it in the fridge after we all gather in the lounge room. Sandro standing at the front of the room probably going to give one of his speeches.

"Because we have fewer men than normal instead of them moving our things we are going to do it ourselves. There are cars outside so all you guys have to do is take whatever you want from here and load it up. Once we leave here we aren't coming back so get everything" Alessandro is mostly talking to his siblings but he glances at our cousins every couple of seconds too

Once he's done we all slowly get up and start putting the things in the cars that were packed last night. I still have no idea where we are going to live but hey at least we have multiple places that we can stay.

. ☾ . 

not going to lie this chapter and the last one was pretty bad. I'm sorry I'm still trying to figure out what I'm going to do to continue the story. 

if you guys want a certain scene or something just tell me and I will try and add it 

hope you guys are having a great day/night and if not I hope it gets better 

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