December the 20th at 8:00 p.m.

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Harry didn't believe anything Y/n said about Draco, he knew that Draco had been marked but he truly didn't have any proof.

December 20, 1996 Slughorn has invited Harry and Y/n Potter to his Christmas party. Of course she was thrilled to go to it but she didn't have a date and on the invitation she specifically needed a date.

"Harry James Potter would you do me the honors of being my date?" She asked giving him a paper ring. They were all in the common room eating lunch.

"Sorry Y/n Lily Potter but I'm going with Luna. Maybe you could go with Ron, or Draco maybe?" Harry said with a sly grin, she nudged him and messed his hair up.

"Awwe bummer, I suppose Ron is going with Hermione then?"

"Actually no, I have my own date!" Hermione said with a smile.

"Ouuu who might this lucky boy be? To have a date with Hermione Granger is huge." Y/n asked making Hermione giggle.

"Yeah who, because the last date you had was a complete nut job." Ron said in a whinny tone.

"Krum wasn't a nut job?! I think that was Mione's best date, they were meant to be. I wont even be surprised if I get a letter in an owls beak saying I'm invited to their wedding." She joked around making Hermione blush and Ron turn redder than his hair.

"Oh quit it Y/n, but Hermione Krum does have a bit of a ring to it, I suppose." Hermione giggled, this only made Ron even more angry.

"I don't know who to go with honestly.. maybe I'll just sit this one out." Y/n said standing up from the couch.

"Where are you going?" Hermione asked, confused as to why she was standing up.

"I need to find a date before tonight, and I will. I just need to take a stroll around here and see where the cute boys lie!" She said winking at Hermione who winked back. Harry wished her good luck and Ron whined as to why she couldn't just take him.

Y/n was strolling around Hogwarts until she came across Draco, who was looking very suspicious. He was speed walking somewhere in a black suit, maybe someone had already asked him out to Slughorns party. But how would she know that without asking-

"Hey Draco!" Y/n said catching up with Draco, he stopped and once he saw Y/n he was kind of freaking out. He had been late to meet up with Snape and this wasn't helping at all.

"Hey, Y/n, shouldn't you get to Slughorns party?" He said with a nervous grin.

"Actually I was coming here to ask if you'd go with me but seems like you have a date."

"Well why'd you think that?"

"Because you know about the party, you know he's very secretive about the club." Y/n said.

"Oh, umm actually no I don't have a date. People just talk ya know." He said looking around him.

"Are you okay Draco, something seems to be bothering you?"

"I'll pick you up at 6 alright?" He said patting her on the arm then speed walking away. That was very confusing, especially for Y/n but she was happy, Draco was finally talking to her again and they'd go to the Christmas party tonight. Though she truly didn't know what to expect.

That night, Y/n wore a white dress with her hair neatly done in her favorite style. When she started walking down the stairs she saw Draco in his all black suit with his hair slicked down.

Oh how she adored Draco, and you could see he was madly in love from his eyes bulging out of his face.

"Wow Y/n you look beautiful." Draco said with a smile rising on his face.

"Thank you Malfoy, you don't look too bad yourself!" She said with a smirk.

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As they waited for the others to come downstairs, Draco grabbed Y/n's hand. She flinched a little but he looked in her eyes for reassurance before grabbing it.

"You're nervous. Don't be, you look very beautiful." He said making her smile grow twice as large. The others finally came down the stairs and everyone was on their way to the party.

It was a fun little get together, Y/n had saw Hermione with Cormac, gross. Harry took Luna and she thinks Ginny took Dean.

"Hey sweetheart-"

"Sweetheart, you haven't used those words in a long time.. I think you've never called me that before."

"Listen to me, I'm going to the bathroom alright it'll only take a couple of minutes." He said grabbing onto her shoulders.

"Umm okay why'd you have to tell me that?" She laughed.

"So that you wouldn't think I went ghost on you, but I'll be right back." And he dashed out of the room as soon as he said that.

A/N: i didn't want to make it such a big ass chapter so part two on next chapter :)

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