Potters Stink

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God that was a long day, after that almost everyone had an 'Potters Stink' badge on their cloaks. Ron and Harry had been beefing for some strange reason, Y/n didn't bother mentioning it to Harry whenever they hung out which was all the time now. Y/n's friends had kind of stayed distant from her, saying she needed to focus on the tournament when it hasn't even started yet but she understood their reasoning. Draco and her would always sneak out after dark and walk around the campus, but during the day time her and Harry were conjoined at the hip now.

"Ouu lookie here, it's Potter and his whacko sister!" Theodore Nott had said, he was one of those pure blooded weirdos Y/n had always dreaded encountering. He was the type to call others mudbloods and loved talking about his views on You Know Who. Also was a fan of death eaters since his whole family line were from them. Draco had been like this until Y/n got to him about how horrible name calling was and how death eaters made her feel since her parents had, well, you know.

"Shove off Nott!" Y/n had said trying to walk away but his whole group started circling them. This was not going to be good for them of course, Y/n and Harry had nothing to worry about. They weren't alone, they had each other, and for god sake they had their wands!

"Nu uh, I could never shove off such a beautiful lady and her ugly little brother now could I?" He said starting to walk up closer to Y/n, she had started walking backwards kind of bumping into Harry's back.

"Nott just leave us alone we didn't do anything to you!" Harry said turning his head to Nott but pointing his wand at the others.

"Oh you didn't do anything but Y/n certainly did."

"Oh what could I have possibly done that hurt you to harass us Nott!" She said a little louder this time for people to hear them and at least give them a hand but no one dare stepped foot trying to save someone from Nott who had been friends with Draco. That would be like getting punched until you bled out and died.

"Well of course people still think me and Draco are friends but it isn't true. We aren't, because you corrupted his brain!"

"Excuse me, what?"

"With all the bullshit about mudbloods and how it's a slur and people might be really sad inside. Or how death eaters are bad because of what happened to your stupid parents!"

"My parents died to You Know Who, he did this to our faces!" Y/n said pointing at her scar going down her eye and showing him Harry's forehead. He and the others just laughed at them, such a pathetic view they thought.

"Pathetic, you can't even defend yourselves." He said with a chuckle.

"We were babies you dumbass!" Y/n tried to reach for her wand but didn't feel anything behind her tucked into her skirt.

"Oh oh, looking for these sweetheart? Oh yeah we got yours too Harry!"

"What do you want Nott!"

"What I want is Y/n and you to shut up and just die exactly how your little pathetic father James did, right on the steps correct?" At this point this boiled Harry and Y/n up but she didn't dare try attacking them. Instead Harry tried knocking them out, he hit one or two but then they all caught hold of him choking him.

"This is all your fault, stupid little relationship and feelings. No one cares about that, they care about power and what corrupts the city and what doesn't. It's all on the side you choose from, either the muggles side or the dark lords side. We choose the side we will win on, which is dark lords of course.

And if we eliminate you two first, we will be destined to win this time. So Y/n, step forward and lets fight!" He declared, she didn't bother to answer him. She looked behind her and saw Harry gasping saying stop but she couldn't. He needed a life lesson about what happens when you fuck with a Potter.

"Give me my wand and it's on, also let my brother go you dumbass!" She said, Nott signaled for them to let go of Harry who had dropped to the ground gasping for air. Someone who was a part of Nott's group held her wand up, she snatched it from their hands and gave them a disgusted look.

"Clean match alright? Although I would do one of the unforgivable curses that would be too easy now would it, so it's all clean."

"Whatever you say dumb witt!"

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