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"Three, two-" Without thinking Y/n lifted her wand up and said-

"Accio!" She shouted, this made Nott's wand whip out of his hand and suddenly appeared into hers.

"What in godric's name is happening here... Are you bullying Ms. Potter mister Nott? Well you should be ashamed of yourself!" Professor Moody said coming from the bushes, a yellow light stormed out of his wand then onto Nott which made him into a brown ugly ferret that he put inside of the others pants then started spinning him in circles, he started walking down still spinning the ferret over and over until-

"Professor Moody you stop now this instant and- is that a student? Change them back right now!" She demanded, he roll his eyes then change Nott back into human, this made Y/n and Harry cry out of laughter oh god that was so funny. He ran off leaving his wand in Y/n's hands, this was a really good level up with him now.

"That is not how we discipline students, didn't Dumbledore tell you about our rules on that?"

"Yes he might've told me once, or twice?" He said with an innocent look. He put a hand on Harry and my shoulders and nudged us to follow him but I felt a tug on my arm, I looked back and saw Draco. I let Harry go with Moody on his own while I stayed to catch up with Draco, or something like that.

"Accio was a pretty good spell to use, Nott always stumbles on his words." He said making Y/n smile, he had complimented her on a spell that she used for one of his old best friends. This had to have been a win win in her case.

Taking down her bully and winning her knight in shining armor in the end, yup she totally liked this one. Not in a romantic way though because she saw Draco just as a friend. At least that's what she kept trying to tell herself.

"I feel a little bad, he used to be your friend. It's because of me and my stupid fear of death eaters that you aren't friends with that prick anymore."

"Like you said, he's a prick. Why be friends with a prick when I could be friends with 4 incredible amazing people, you being the best one out of the three?" He smirked at her, this made her blush but she still felt a little guilty about it, she didn't really care she just wanted to try and make sure he knew the sympathy was there. So she tried once again with an apology.

"I'm serious Draco, you have been knowing him since you both were in the womb, the family you know and he was a very good friend of yours I just feel-"

"Enough with the sad commentary, I wanted to talk to you about something, want to go on a walk?" He asked, she nodded her head with a light smile. She had always loved alone time with Draco, it was a time to escape from reality and relax. Something she didn't have time to do since the first task was approaching them in two more days.

"Not much but it's the common room. No one comes here so I thought it'd be a perfect place to get away and relax from that annoying brother of yours. You guys are a lot closer now I've seen." He said sitting on a couch close to the fire.

"That's because everyone 'hates Potters' and also thank you, I have been really stressed lately and it's not from my brother Draco!" She said giggling, this made him smile.

"Yeah about that, I kind of made that as a joke. I said what if someone called them the stinking Potters and some weird little kid I guess actually made them as badges. I'm sorry about that one!" He said scratching the back of his head.

"It's okay, it wasn't your fault. Plus I'm not bothered by it at all, just don't let it spill out that you made it in front of Harry. That boy would start going crazy looking for you telling you that you are no longer able to see me ever again!" Y/n said mimicking her brother half way through her sentence, this made Draco laugh at her impression of him. That is exactly how he sounded and how we would act he thought to himself.

A/N heheheh

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