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A/N: Hiii! This is kind of a short/long chapter but i mean it's pretty good. I like it ;) , and i hope you like it toooo!

It was the next day and y/n had made it her priority to go in that wall turned into a door today but first she had to go to potions class.

Professor Slughorn had been talking about the same thing for over an hour, Pansy and Blaise didn't come to class today. It was only Draco sitting by himself.

"I want you to get in groups of two's." Slughorn said, since Harrison felt sick this morning and wanted to miss class, Harry had already teamed up with Ron and Hermione had done the same so all there was left was Draco.

"Do you want to be my partner?"

"I cant talk to you."

"Oh for Merlin's beard it's a class assignment Draco!" She said rolling her eyes. He thought it over and pulled another chair under the desk for her to sit on.

"What's going on? Is Blaise alright, where's Pansy?"

"This is a class assignment, we should be doing the assignment."

"Which is?"

"Amortentia potion."

"Right." She said rolling her eyes. Draco started reading his book and mixing things in his cauldron, Y/n did the same.

"What did you mean by watch out for Harrison yesterday?"


"Well I heard your say watch out for him and I was wondering why should I?"

She's always been persistent he thought, he took a sigh shaking his head.

"Y/n I really can't talk right now but I really do want to. I miss you everyday but you talking to me is just making my life harder alright?" He said putting his hand on her hand which had been coincidentally on her thigh.

"Draco you don't understand. You and Pansy both desert me and this boy comes up and shows me kindness and, and love-"

"It's not a coincidence he shows up the minute I break up with you is it." Draco huffed out.

"What do you mean by that Draco?"

"Done!" Draco said going up to Slughorn and dumping whatever was in his small cauldron into the bigger one in front of the class.

"Nice one Malfoy, Potter do you care to come up here with your partner?"

"Gladly!" She said lifting up from her chair and walking by Draco's side in front of the class. Slughorn seated the class and started explain what the fuck an Amortentia potion was. All she caught from it was that it can make a person fall in love, like crazy type love.

"Potter, could you smell the cauldron please?"

"That's it, you just want me to smell it?" She asked with a curious face, something had to have been up. Why just smell?

"Yes, just smell it." He said, she shrugged her shoulders and took a wiff out of the cauldron.

"What do you smell?"

"I smell sticks and umm and trees?" I said looking back up and Slughorn, he told me with his face to keep going. Dig deeper, like he always says.

"Alright I smell mahogany, apples, and Draco's cologne." She said lifting my head up from the cauldron with a smile. Well that wasn't hard was it, until she got a gaze at the classroom and they all had been looking at her with a shocked face, even Draco.

"What, what's wrong?" She asked Slughorn.

"Amortentia, when you smell into it, it smells like well.. the person you love y/n" He said with a wide smile on his face.

What the fuck? Y/n had totally embarrassed herself in front of the whole entire class, in front of her brother, and even Draco. Godric she knew something was up just by 'smelling a cauldron' that's too easy of a task.

"That's interesting, I'll have to write that one in my notes!" She said trying to cover up all emotions she had felt running in her body, Slughirn looked surprised and nodded his head with a smile.

"Yes, yes, everyone take out your notebooks and write these notes down." He said.

"Good save." Draco said with a chuckle packing his things.

"It's not the end of class yet?" She asked putting a piece of parchment on the table.

"Well I'm busy." Draco said leaving the classroom. What was she going to do with him she thought.

At the end of class Slughorn asked her and Harry to stay after class for a little while.

"The Slug Club, where all my favorite student meet and we chat for a little while. Like a meeting. We have parties and whatnot. Would you two be interested?" He asked with a large smile.

Y/n looked over at Harry who did the same, they both shrugged and said sure. Slughorn looked more than happy.

"The two famous Potters in my club, this is wonderful. There will be a note owled to you the day of our first meeting. Saying the time and where to find us." He said dismissing us from class.

"What's going on with you and Draco?" Harry asked walking up with Y/n.

"Nothing it's just somethings up and I really need to find out what it is."

"I think he's a death eate-" Harry said out loud causing Y/n to look around in shock and slap a hand on Harry's mouth.

"Harry you cant just say that out loud!" She said looking around cautiously to see if anyone heard them.

"Ron agrees with me, Hermione still needs proof but I think he's a death eater."

"That's big allegations Harry, he wouldn't do that. He wouldn't become one of them.." she said trying to defend Draco.

"Well remember that girl who was hexed or cursed or something? She went flying in the air, I think that was Draco. And all the fires that happened at Diagon Alley. It all just lines up."

"I'll have to ask him."

"You think he's going to tell you the truth?"

"If he doesn't I'll have to find out other ways. You stay quiet about that whole thing and I'll get to you when I can. Also we're going to the Slug club, i can find out more things there too probably." She said messing with Harry's hair.

"I was planning on doing that myself!" Harry said fixing his hair.

"Great minds think alike." She said smiling at him.

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