Time skip

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It was already their last day as 1st year at Hogwarts. Y/n said goodbye to Pansy and Draco along with others as Harry said goodbye to Ron and Hermione, they all got off the train and went home.

So here's all that has happened since the Hagrid encounter. They went to Hogwarts and found out from the sorting hat placed onto their heads, Harry was in the house of Gryffindor and Y/n was in Slytherin. This upset both of them because they wanted to be in the same house of course. Them being in different houses made them realize how they saw each other less and less. Harry had already found his group of friends but it took Y/n 2 whole days to go and walk up to a group of Slytherins.

Flashback from beginning of year
"Hey my name is Y/n Potter." She said holding her hand out with a big smile across her face. All 4 of them at the table turned to her with a rather disgusted face which made her put her hand down to her side. They had a boy with platinum blond hair slicked back, she had run into him before when her and Harry were getting their robes fitted, also when he realized their last names and tried to clown on Ron. A girl that had short black hair with bangs almost covering her eyebrows, then two boys. One with a bigger face and small ears, the other with a longer face, smaller lips and a really big forehead.

"Y/n Potter huh. Nice to meet you I guess." The platinum blonde hair boy had said, the two other boys were sniggering lightly pushing each other then staring up at me again.

"Aren't you in my room?" The girl asked, Y/n nodded still standing with a little smile on her face from what the girl had said.

"You can come sit with us if you want to."

"Sure why not!"
End of flashback

And she did sit with them every day of first, second, and third year. She would miss both of them, Draco and Pansy, like crazy. She wouldn't miss Crabbe and Goyle though, the two who were always sniggering. All they did was follow Draco on a leash and laugh whenever he made a joke, whether funny or not.

"I can't believe we still have to stay with the Dursleys. Sirius could take us in right now if he wanted to!" Harry complained walking outside of the train station with Y/n. She rolled her eyes with a long sigh.

"It would be too risky for him, we don't want him sent back to Azkaban now do we?" She said looking at Harry with a small smile, he then smiled but looked down at the ground.

Harry had found out that Y/n and him still had a part of their parents with them. Sirius Black was his name, he was in Azkaban for quite some time and had escaped. This year Harry had gone on a huge quest that Y/n did not seek out to go on. He later then found out that Sirius Black was their godfather, they both met him of course and just talking about their parents to him for 1 minute made both of them light up with smiles.

"Sis.." Harry said, making Y/n respond back with a hum. Both were pushing their baggage carts on the muggle train station.

"When you turn 18 will you just leave the day of? Leaving me behind? I know the Dursley's might kick you out as soon as you turn 18 but I just, I've never been left alone with them and I don't want you to leave me behind.." Harry said as he stopped walking, Y/n walked up to him and brought him in a hug then kissed his scar. She could tell Harry had been thinking about this for a while, she was a whole month older than him which made this even worse.

"Harry, I would never be crazy enough to leave you with them alone, not even for a second. You have my word for that!" Y/n said looking at Harry which made him smile at her, hugging her again.

"Plus by that time we'll be living with Padfoot so there's no reason even mentioning the Dursley's." She smiled nudging him in the shoulder. They walked out of the train station and what felt like hours they came right back but they were different, very different indeed. They both were ready for what comes this year, 4th year.

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