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Finally it was their 6th year, Y/n wanted to try something new with her hair. She had bought some hair dye back at home and she had to admit platinum blond was definitely her color.

"You look like a Malfoy" Harry said annoyingly.

"I'm going to be one, might as well fit the look huh?" Y/n said sniggering elbowing Harry, he did not find that joke funny at all.

Harry ran straight for the train but Y/n had waited outside. She wanted to see if Draco was either on the train or waiting for her as well.

She wrote to him once a week when everyone in the house was asleep, he had sent her one note this summer which only said he was busy and couldn't respond as often as he had promised.

He sent that in the beginning of the summer, he never replied after that and she had sent more than 40 until she finally got the memo that he probably wanted to be alone. She was kind of clueless but knew he wouldn't just ignore her like that, I mean he had promised nothing would change between them over the summer, right?

She didn't see a blond hair boy anywhere so she went on the train placing her stuff down and shoving coins in her pocket trying to find the compartment they all had been in.

She was dying to see Pansy, Draco, and to be honest she had missed Crabbe and Goyle. She was mostly excited for the trolly lady hence the coins in her pocket. After walking for a minute or so she found the compartment Pansy, Draco and some unknown boy had been in.

"Hey!" Y/n said with a smile, they turned to her then kept doing what they were doing, not acknowledging her. The unknown boy in the corner by the window was curious on who she was though.

"How were you guys's summer?"

"Pretty good what about you?" The unknown boy said readjusting himself looking at her with a smile on my face.

"Could've been better honestly, hi Draco." He didn't turn to look at her, simply nodded while staring at The Daily Prophet.

"May I ask why you're here? Well who are ya know?" The boy asked.

"Oh well these are my friends, we usually always sit together during the ride. Who are you though?" Y/n asked with a curious face, must've been a new pure blood Draco had met during the summer because to her understanding Pansy never liked boys as her friend, said they were too cocky.

Had they not told him they were her friends, not mentioned her, if that was Draco's friend did he not talk about his girlfriend to him?

"Hmm well no one told me about you, my name is Blaise Zabini it's nice to meet you-"

"Y/n, Y/n Potter." I smiled putting my hand out for a hand shake, he hesitated but shook my hand with a warm smile. Blaise was a very nice person, good for the pack I liked him already.

"I'm going find the trolly lady." Blaise said getting up scooching past Pansy and leaving the compartment.

"So can I like sit in here my legs are killing me? Why are you guys being so weird and how come I've never heard of Blaise before?" Y/n asked.

"Why are you guys looking at me like that? Did I do something wron-"

"We just don't want you to sit with us anymore!" Pansy said rolling her eyes at Y/n.

"Excuse me but I haven't done anything wrong so I'm gonna need an explanation." Y/n said fixing her posture.

"Well since we're broken up, these are my friends and you have yours, basically your cut."

What. The. Fuck

"Broken up, when did this happen? I should be breaking up with you, you sent no letters or anything, especially nothing about addressing breaking up with me. You too Pansy, you both promised you'd write to me but you didn't!" Y/n said.

"Well I'm breaking up with you now Y/n!"

"Why?!" Y/n asked.

"This has got to be a prank, it has to. Tell me why are you breaking up with me and how come after only 3 months Pansy changed her whole entire view of me. There has to be a rumor going around or something because what the fuc-"

"Y/n you're just not my type okay? You're a weirdo and although the sorting hat might say you're a Slytherin you always act like a hufflepuff. You're the worst girlfriend I've ever had and Pansy has never liked you. I've never liked you or loved you now can you try to make new friends somewhere else?" Draco said slamming his hand on the table which caught Y/n by surprise and had her flinch a little.

"Well if that's what you want, Pansy?"

"Can you just go?" Pansy asked. Y/n nodded her head and left the compartment. No other compartments were opened and she definitely wasn't sitting with the first years so she decided to sit outside. Alone. Nothing was wrong with being alone however being disowned is a whole other thing, and she had been disowned.

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