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A/n - bit of a long chapter, Yule Ball is today yes but next chapter talks about then going into it. This is just preparing. :)

Today was the night of the Yule Ball. The best night Y/n was going to have in her entire life except her wedding but she shouldn't count her chickens before they've hatched. She basically shouldn't jinx it right now. As soon as her last class ended she ran to her dorm and saw Pansy with a layed out tuxedo on her bed, she looked at Pansy then back at the suit, then she started smirking, raising her eyebrows up and down.

"I knew it, first year me was so right about you Pansy." She said smirking running to the end of her bed and pulling out a flat box.

"Yeah okay, you were right Y/n Potter!" She said rolling her eyes putting on eye liner. In the small flat box Y/n had pulled out contained her f/c dress with her f/c heels.

"Anyways enough chit chat let's get ready shall we?" Pansy said applying more eyeliner to her eyes.

"Wait, who's your date? You never told me."

"It's a surprise of course! You think I'm just going to tell you that easily?"

"Pansy we're friends-"

"You were supposed to say no but I guess I'll just have to say it for you. No!"

Time skip <><><>

"Oh my god Y/n.. your beautiful." Pansy said with her mouth to the ground. Y/n chuckled at how dumb Pansy sounded and she must have been exaggerating. Y/n had asked Pansy to do her makeup, she's always been bad at it and Pansy has been an expert.

"Let me see stop hogging the mirror!" Y/n said sitting in front of the mirror shooing Pansy away. Wow, Pansy was right, Y/n looked absolutely beautiful. It was light makeup and lip linear, a bit of lash extensions that did the trick as well. Her hair was (straightened/curled/in a bun) and all she could do was admire herself. She couldn't stop smiling in the mirror.

"Oh Pansy thank you so much!"

"No problem girl, what can I SAY-" Pansy dove down on the ground when she saw an owl flying rapidly her way.

"OH MY GOD PANSY ARE YOU ALRIGHT?" Y/n said running over to Pansy who was gasping for air. Her eyes looked as if they had stretched fully out of her head.

"Someone has gotta train their bloody owl!"

"Pansy!" Y/n said with a stern look.

"Whoops, sorry." Y/n hated when Pansy cursed, when anyone cursed actually. She didn't like it at all even though she cursed like a sailor, she still didn't like anyone doing it.

"Who even sends their owl up here?" Pansy said getting up helping Y/n up with her. She went to the owl and tried to take the red letter from the owls beak but it wouldn't budge. She started to snatch it and pull it until she and the owl both fell backwards on the floor.

"Whoever's owl that was, I will make sure to kill them and that stupid little thing!" She said as the owl started flying back where it came from. Pansy eagerly opened the red letter.

"What does it say?"

"Dear Y/n, please come downstairs right now your little brother is cursing up a storm at me. From, Draco. Huh a bit of a romantic eh?" Pansy smirked.

"Oh my god, when will Harry let me be older than him?" She said rushing to put her heels on.

"I don't think little Potter will ever let you be older. What if he finds out your Draco's date? Oh now I've gotta see this too, cmon!" Pansy said grabbing Y/n's arm.

"Pansy do I look well?" Y/n asked for the millionth time as they walked down the stairs slower than ever.

"I promise you Y/n for the millionth time you look good!" Pansy said walking down the last step and seeing Draco and Harry bickering with each other.

"Oh Pansy have you seen my sister? I've been looking all-"

As Y/n took a step down the stairs she could visibly see Draco and Harry staring at her in awe. She couldn't stop smiling, Draco in a white suit with black pants and a black sweater, Harry in a cute little suit and a cloak.

"Hi Harry, why aren't you with your date?" Y/n asked a bit confused, he did have a date. After asking Cho and being denied, and other girls, him and Ron would agree to take one of the twins. Seeing he was empty handed it caught her by surprise.

"Oh umm she's with Ron and his date, I forget their names but you look astonishing sister.." Harry said making Y/n smile even more. She was now face to face with both of them after walking down those long stairs.

"Is it true Malfoy is your date though?" He asked, it was only a matter of time he'd find out she thought. She shouldn't lie, she could and say she was going with Pansy, him being a plus one. But of course Harry would tell Ron and he'd end up telling others, plus she would have lied to her brother. She never lied to him.

"Yes he is my date and I don't care what you say about it because I'm the oldest!" She scoffed, Malfoy smirked side eyeing Harry when she said this, giving him an 'I told you so' look on his face.

"Well, have a good time little sis." He smiled coming closer to her to give her a peck on the cheek.

"Be careful." He whispered backing away from her, she smiled at his little comment. He walked away followed by Pansy leaving Draco and Y/n by themselves.

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