A little fuss with Draco

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A few minutes into the ride to Hogwarts Draco was still feeling guilty about all he said to Y/n. It wasn't his intention he just, he didn't want to talk to her right now, he couldn't. Of course he wanted to talk to her just not right now, his summer was shitty. The dark lord came to his house commanding him to do things he didn't want to do. He just snapped at her, letting out all of his emotions out on her. He knew she didn't deserve that and even though his father forbid him to talk to Y/n, that was his only comfort person.

"Y/n I- I'm sorry I snapped, I didn't mean to, I just... I don't know, you don't have to forgive me it's just a lot of things are going on in my life and although I would love to get to know you better it's just-" He said taking a deep breath still staring at the window.

"I don't know how to hold it in." He said turning his head to Y/n who had been listening to every word he had said.

"That doesn't mean take it out on others Draco."

"You are completely right and I am sorry but it's just.. It might sound stupid so don't laugh, I have a not so happy past with the favorite colors question." He admitted looking ashamed, Y/n was really confused on what he meant but he looked really sad so she put her hand on his shoulder trying to comfort him.

This is confusing, didn't he just blame his outburst on his dad not letting him get to know Y/n better? What was he talking about, what was he trying to tell her, what-

"I was in a relationship last year, with that girl who would always hang around with us-"

"You, she would only be with you Draco. She'd never hang around with us" Y/n corrected him, when she realized what she had said she immediately regretted even saying it. Here he is actually opening up to her and she's here correcting him on what actually had happened.

"Well yes, but anyways the first thing she had ever said to me, well asked me was what my favorite color is. That first thing she asked me made me feel safe around her. Made me feel like I could open myself up to her, to anyone."

"So then what happened?" Y/n said at the edge of her seat waiting for the ball to drop, she knew it was coming because she hadn't seen the girl on the train sitting next to him.

"Well I had found out she never really liked me, my father hired her for a mission, to keep me company. To steer me away from any girls but her, he wanted to arrange us a marriage once we graduated. My mother didn't like this idea so my father adjusted it I guess, by her meeting me now and building a fake relationship until it was time."

"Oh godric that is, that's a lot oh wow!" Y/n said a bit puzzled, it was crazy how his dad would actually do something like that. A bit controlling, not letting him choose who he wants to date or marry.

"Yeah, he said she was perfect because her family were pure bloods, death eaters and all slytherins. Perfect combination huh!" He said in a sarcastic tone. He realized that death eaters was a very sensitive topic for Y/n and he saw her face dim down as soon as he said the word.

"I should've never mentioned that I'm sorry-"

"I'm okay Draco, I've gotten over it." She hadn't, her parents died and she never met them because of Volde- well You Know Who. How could she ever get over it, that name, those names, it always made her uncomfortable.

"Anyways Draco that was really messed up of your father, I'm guessing she got kicked out?" She asked, he nodded his head looking in another direction.

"Did you like her?" Y/n asked, that question had surprised him.

"No, I never fall for anyone in that type of way. She was just a female version of me so what was not to like, plus it was boring. Her always agreeing with me, thank god it was planned!" He said giggling, this made Y/n start to chuckle in laughter. For some reason she was less tense when he said that. Why did that make her feel at ease she wondered, there was no way that she could like-

"You remember when you entered Hogwarts with both of your pets?" Draco had said interrupting Y/n's thoughts. She thought back to the time she had a cage in one hand and then a kitten in the other with a wide grin at Hogwarts entrance to the great hall. This made her laugh.

"Of course I remember that, how could I not? I always thought your owl was so cooler than mine."

"Are you kidding me, mine cooler than yours? Although it's the biggest owl, yours was black and had cool big eyes! Then you had a calico cat to go with it all, it was just amazing!" He said with a smile, this made Y/n feel a tense feeling in her face and her mouth started getting excessively hot. Yup, she was blushing, blushing really bright and boy was she embarrassed. There was an awkward silence between them until they felt the train jerk and stop, Y/n turned to the window then looked down realizing-

"I HAVEN'T CHANGED INTO MY ROBES!" She said opening the compartment, picking up her bags then rushing to the bathroom. Y/n started thanking god for the decoy to go wash herself off with sink water to the face and have time for the red spots on her cheeks to die down and go away. Draco started laughing silently at the view, she is such a dummy he thought to himself.

A/N this was a pretty long page, sorry abt that one.

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