Krum, Diggory, or Malfoy

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Later that day they all had to meet where the goblet cup had been, although she didn't know where that was, Pansy did so she decided to stick with her for the rest of the day. They had gone into the common room to sit down and chill out from all the yelling happening in the great hall.

"I saw the way you were looking at that Krum guy." Pansy smirked, nudging Y/n's hand.

"Who me? Oh no Victor Krum would never go for a girl like me. Also I saw him at the Quidditch world cup, he's a legend. My legend and I'm just not his type." Y/n said, trying to justify the way she was looking at Krum. Pansy wasn't wrong at all, her mouth was all the way on the ground and hadn't moved until Pansy asked if they wanted to go to the common room. The truth was, Y/n was a huge fan of quidditch and her favorite boy crush in the game was Krum, she had loved him since last year when he was accepted on the team.

"Mhm alright but I know you heard about the yule ball."

"How'd you hear about it is the question."

"How'd I hear about it? Well are you insane, it was all my mother and father talked about. They had met each other at the ball and then fell in love. They just sent me letters the second they found out the tournament was held here." Pansy giggled, making Y/n smile at the cute story. She never did know how her father and mother really met, though she was very curious and knew she could ask Dumbledore or Professor McGonagall. She just didn't want to be in a sad state of mind since it was a sensitive topic.

"Anyways if not Krum then Draco." Pansy said, nudging her arm even more, giving her a wide grin and a wink. Y/n rolled her eyes and smacked her tongue.

"You're right about that one Pansy. I can't keep it in for much longer god I think I'm in love with him!" She said a little loud earning a few glares here and there from people reading. She slapped her hand on her mouth as Pansy's mouth was all the way to the floor and her eyes bulging out of her head, the sight of this made Y/n start to laugh.

"Are you serious? You really love him?!?!" She asked.

"Are you kidding Pansy? Godric I was only joking, he is very attractive though." She said making Pansy roll her eyes and smack her teeth.

"I guess but every year is the same! 'Oh he is so attractive' 'I love the color of his hair do you know what shade of platinum it is?' No I do not know the shade of his hair, but you could go and ask him what it is!" Pansy let out, Y/n realized this had all was taking a toll on Pansy so she put her hand on her shoulder in comfort, this made Pansy ease up.

"Sorry it's just, I want you to finally make a move Y/n, this year, you will make a move on either Krum, Diggory, or Malfoy!" She declared, the name Diggory caught her by surprise.

"Diggory?! Why is he even on the list?"

"You don't think I wouldn't remember last year when you were talking about his brown hair and soft beautiful eyes do you?" Pansy said exposing Y/n, this made her blush a little. Yes she thought he was cute but that was all, and plus he was a hufflepuff. She never cared about the houses but the last time slytherin and hufflepuff dated was the Blaise situation Pansy had worked up. She did not want to end up as toxic as they were.

"Okay but do I have to make a serious move? What if I'm not serious about any of these dudes and I just think they're hot?"

"Well that's alright but it's either one of those three for your Yule Ball date. This is a once in a lifetime experience and at least spend it with someone attractive." She said nodding at Y/n, she did not question Pansy at all so she just nodded her head with her and gave her a smile.

"Yes, okay fine you win. You win Pansy!" She leaped on me and gave me a little hug then checked her wrist which had a snake on it? Y/n never knew Pansy had a snake but I guess she did now and she didn't question that either. When you're a slytherin you tend to lose asking questions to people about themselves, they say you shouldn't worry about other people and what's so different about them these days. Which made Y/n never ask a single question about someone in slytherin ever again.

"Six thirty" The snake let out, Pansy jumped off of Y/n and started pacing back and forth putting her hands on her head trying to calm down.

"Pansy what's wrong?" She asked, of course she could ask this. She obviously saw her friend was panicking over something but she couldn't ask 'what was on your wrist'.

"We're late for the goblet of fire!" Pansy had declared grabbing Y/n's hand and forcing her up.

"The goblet of what?" Pansy shoved Y/n through the common room doors as she dashed her way through the crowd of kids who were all trying to get to the same place as her, the entrance hall. Since Y/n didn't hear anything Dumbledore had said about the Triwizard Tournament of course she knew nothing but more visitors at Hogwarts and the Yule ball.

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