Author's note

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Book no.1 is complete!!

I've actually been so excited to start this series and I think this is a great way to begin a new journey of my writing.

Alayna and Dawson will always have a special place in my heart and I can't wait to develop their story in other books and give little snippets into their lives post-uni. Of course, not every love story is a cruise, and this definitely wasn't. I had so much fun developing both characters and finally giving Dawson the family he deserves at the end.

Part of me wanted them to break up at the end of this book so that I could get them back together at a later date, but I decided against that and gave them the happy ending they both absolutely deserve. Dawson is the boyfriend we all want and need and Alayna absolutely deserves him (they both deserve each other).

I had to do a lot of research to find out more about Alayna's Egyptian background and it's so cool to learn about different ethnicities and countries, something that Dawson can relate to.

I would also like to note that the racism in ths book is NOT condoned. Dawson's father is a dickhead and anyone who behaves like him deserves to get their eyebrows shaven off and their legs amputated. Also, if you're a follower, like Dawson's mother, fix yourself :)

I'm glad you enjoyed this story and I can't wait to show you the next one!

Read on for a preview into book no.2, Maybe This Time!!

All my love,

H xoxo

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