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The words of Dawson's father ran through my mind over the weekend

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The words of Dawson's father ran through my mind over the weekend. I couldn't think about anything else. I've faced a little amount of racial abuse in my life, be it on social media or to my face, it hasn't really affected me as much as this.

I don't know why. There's something about someone being disgusted at the thought of me in their house purely because I wasn't European kind of affected me. Dawson's dad looked at me and saw someone that was lesser than him. And, maybe, that behaviour rubbed off on his son.

Maybe that's why Dawson is so adamant on keeping me away from him. And, maybe, I should. I shake my head as I walk to college, my eyes filtered to the ground.

Inside of my heart, I know that Dawson isn't racist. He wouldn't have invited me over or let me stay the night if he didn't like me or where I came from. If he didn't like that I was an immigrant, he wouldn't have asked me about my life back in Egypt. He wouldn't have cared if he hated me. And, I know that a part of Dawson does care about me. Even if it's the smallest part of him.

Someone jumps onto my back and I almost scream in shock before I hear Leilana's loud, boisterous laugh. "Oh my God, Ana!" I gasp, letting her land on the ground before I turn around to face her. She's grinning and I slap her arm before she swings her arm over my shoulders and we continue to walk down the street, almost at college.

"How was your weekend?" She asked, and I sucked in a breath. Leilana raises an eyebrow and I find that it's extremely difficult to lie to my best friend. "This has something to do with that guy, doesn't it?" She asked, and I sheepishly nodded my head. She gasps dramatically, a slight skip to her step.

"It's just... I stayed over at his house, and now I think he might be racist. Well, no, I think his dad is racist." I blurt out, and Leilana stops walking.

"What do you mean, racist? Did he say something to you?" She asked, a slight warning in her voice. Lailana has officially activated protective best friend protocol, and I love her for it.

"No, I'm just being dramatic." I shake my head. Leilana places her hand on my shoulder, a stern look in her eyes.

"Alayna, you are the most kindhearted person I know. If you think someone was being racist, they probably were." She stated, and I shrugged my shoulders. "Come on, Alayna." She tutted. "You can talk to me."

I sigh, rubbing one hand over my face. "He was very... opposed to having people like me in his house." I told her, and her eyebrows furrowed in confusion as we continued walking. "As in... Africans." I add, and Leilana's mouth drops open.

"What a dick." She mumbles, running a hand through her long, brown hair. "I'm sorry you have to go through that, Alayna." She says, taking a hold of my hand. I shrug my shoulders, trying to show that I'm not as affected as I probably am.

"Oh, well. I'm used to it, it's not that big of a deal." I tell her, and we're at the gates of college. Willow and Ennis are standing there, smiling at each other. It seems like they've finally worked out what's going on between them and have finally decided to give their relationship a go. "Hey, guys!" I greeted, and Willow grins at me before the four of us walk in together.

Sydney Elizabeth is inside, talking to the reception ladies. "Thank you so much." She smiles, turning around. Her eyes land on us and she grins, running to catch up to us. "Gosh, guys, I had to give in a permission slip for a Health and Beauty trip I'm going on." She squeals in excitement, and Willow takes her hand, hugging her from behind.

"Oh, I love you, Sydney Elizabeth." She gushes, and then we're going our separate ways, entering our own classrooms. We usually meet at the time allocated for lunch and today, because we all finish our college day at the same time, we're walking home together.

Obviously, because of the whole Dawson situation, I'm not sure I'm not sure what I'm going to do. I realise that if he truly doesn't want me there, then I won't go. However, I'll have to walk past the alleyway on the way home and I hope we don't bump into Dawson. I also hope he isn't getting hurt when we go past.


Sydney Elizabeth, Willow and Leilana are waiting at the gate for me and I rushed towards them, being the last to leave my lesson.

"You took your time." Leilana teases when I finally reach them and we begin to walk around the back of college. Even though I heard her, my mind was occupied with the alleyway. As much as I wanted to see him, I also hoped he was home and safe. However, I doubt his home is safe, either.

"I was let out of the lesson late." I mumble, my gaze fixated on the glimpse of the alleyway that I had gotten. When we got closer to it, my heart skips a beat when I see Dawson, standing outside of the alleyway. He's looking around, one hand on his backpack and the other running through his blonde hair before he lifts his hoodie. He leans against the wall, stuffing his hands into his pockets and I don't think he's planning on leaving, yet.

He freezes when his eyes land on me and I quickly look away, rushing to catch up with my friends. I try to play it cool by placing an arm on Leilana's shoulder and joining their random conversation. I use my spare hand to pat down my unruly hair and pull a few strands behind my ear.

I steal a glance at him and notice that he's left. I see the back of his foot disappear behind the alleyway and I swallow a big lump in my throat.

"Are you okay?" Willow asked me, noticing how quiet I was, and I diverted my attention back to my friends. I nod my head, licking my bottom lip.

"Um- do you guys wanna come over to mine for a while?" I asked, and everyone agreed, except Leilana.

"I have work. Jonah asked me to take his shift." She lies. I know she's actually going to be working as a stripper, and I would like for her to tell the rest of the group so that there's no secrets between us, but I'm also hiding something from them, so I'm in no position to ask her to reveal the truth.

I think it would be best for the both of us to keep our secrets to ourselves instead of bringing other people into our problems.

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