24.Little Space of escapism.

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There were chances for you to never ever believe anything you've done in your life till now. You felt undeniably insane. Thinking back to if your existence was a joke to the creator. As in for you know you shouldn't doubt the creator because no matter what, death is written for every living organisms who was to exist. Same was for you, you will one day die, nothing surprising but now that you have heard that someone is after you to kill you, that your death was just outside the fragile door, if to open, you're found dead the next moment.

A Comet wants to kill you.

Why? Because you were linked to The Star Prince millions years ago when he was created first. That you were his guardian angel here on the only living planet earth. You don't understand, how were you protecting him? He was here after years to be upgraded to the next Moon Prince up there, so how was you restraining him to do so?

You were just a human being, a person who hates everything around her and it was a fact. As for the necklace which Jimin told you was your amulet all this year, protecting you from your death without you knowing it, sounds absurd. Your head was pondering in your skull at this point, clueless to what to believe anymore.

And as said by Jimin, the possibilities were connecting perfectly, because that Comet literally changed himself to Jimin when approaching you, it was surely scary and dangerous if Jimin wouldn't have come on right time. You were sure you were going to die at that moment when that person was about to drag you somewhere, speaking about killing you alone.

Your eyes fluttered open when you heard your phone ringing. Jimin flinched slightly, turning his eyes towards the bedside where your phone was ringing. You both had been quiet ever since he revealed that you both are linked the day he was created. You still sitting near the entrance of the bedroom lost in your thoughts and tired to think anymore while Jimin had taken a seat at the edge of his bed, contemplating many things himself, first thought being how to get your necklace back from the Comet who can attack you anytime if he wants.

For now he was disturbed when the phone kept ringing, peeking a little to have a look to who was calling you. He swallowed when his eyes read the initials of 'Dad' flashing on the screen. Turning to you he licked his lips, "It's your dad.." he informed mildly.

You sighed, standing up to your feet before taking cautious step towards him because he was just besides the table. Jimin noticed how you were hesitant to come near him, eyes staring at him with many doubts and unclarity as if you still think he will hurt you and is a mental patient.

Only this was left for me...

He thought, shifting away from the place making you halt, going in a defensive position seeing him move but all he was doing to clear your way so that you can take your phone. You eyed him, moving completely away from the bedside and sitting in the centre of his bed with legs crossed.

He better stay away!

You glared before taking your phone, recieving the call quickly, placing it near your ears. You knew that it was time and you were still not home so it was obvious that your father must have got worried, and you can already imagine your mother urging him and sitting on his head to make you a call for your whereabouts.

"Princess where are you?" And you heard your dad asking, worried laced in his voice. You glanced at the golden haired boy who blinked at you, watching you attending the call.

"Uh.. I'm actually, I'm... Here..." You hesitated not exactly knowing what to answer because you now really don't want to reveal that you're with Jimin in his house. It will just be awkward and hella stupid to tell that to your father now.

"Are you still with Jimin?" He nevertheless asked himself making you swallow, going speechless, a feeling of helplessness engulfing you, insecure for you don't know why.

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