01.Rainy Day.

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The cold breeze blew on your face, harshly, your scarf flying in the air, while your hands clutched onto the sides of it to not make it fly away. It seems as if anytime the rain would be pouring down on the land, seeing the wheather and the winds which blowed without any mercy, also making the huge trees roar and chim loudly, hitting their leaves with eachother, some of it falling down at your feet as you made your way down the streets.

But in all this, your expression was the same from when you've exited your house till now, cold and expressionless, staring ahead with uninteresting eyes, probably empty. You were just going to the store to buy some of your stuff, even though your mom have told you to take an umbrella with you having predicted that it will rain, even before the wheather forecasted it.

Yes you live with your parents, only the three of you. You've always been like that, having a cold and expressionless face, eyes bored and paled. You were use to it, can't help it nor you want to change it.

Right when you thought you would reach at the store, without getting any soaked, the clouds thundered and soon heavy rain drops falled upon your head, hitting the surface harshly, drenching you in a second, as you had halted, finding it unexpected all of a sudden. Sighing, the water droplets slided down your face and the whole body. Gritting your teeth you nevertheless continued your walk towards the store which wasn't that far now.

You can see the rain droplets hitting the road, creating a friction harshly, since the wheather was getting heavy and the rain which poured down made the sky foggy, making it difficult for one to see ahead. When you spotted the store, across the road you looked left to right to see if the road was clean when you are crossing it. Your face wet and clothes sticking to your body, hairs in a high bun, yet some strands were falling on your face.

Carefully crossing the road you reached at the other side of the footpath, when someone behind you shouted to move. Turning you saw a boy, wearing a stuffed coat too soaked wet in the rain, running towards you with his full speed having his eyes wide open, shouting to you to move away while you stayed unmoved with a piercing gaze fixed on that golden haired boy.

"Oh my Angles! Move Young lady before I fall-" he had reached near you flapping his arms. When he was close enough, not stopping since the floor was slippery because of the rain, he jolted in front, just when he thought he will land on you, his body came in contact with the harsh wet floor, falling on the ground with a hiss.

You stood there, glaring at him coldly before walking pass his body on the floor and in the store. The golden haired boy looked up seeing your figure walking inside the store, as he indeed thought he will fall on you and somehow you will do something to stop or save him, but all you did was to move away from there and let him fall in the harsh rain which now poured and hitted his head more, probably looking like an abondoned puppy.

What in the heavens....

---Time skip---

"No one listens to me! No one in this house! I told you, right! To take the umbrella! But no! Who will listen to her! Probably this women just barks and then keeps quiet! Look at you all drenched in that heavy rain! Mom tells things for a reason, but you won't listen at all, right!?" There you were having your head covered with a big towel as your mom dried your hair, ranting and bragging like usual. Just you didn't listened to her and didn't took the umbrella, for this she was gonna make it a hot topic, ranting it for a week or two.

"Go and change now, you will get a fever otherwise.... God! If you would have listen to your mom this wouldn't happen okay! Now go and take a warm shower first, then come and have something for dinner" she kept drying your hair while you walked away towards your room, water droplets still running down from your body and falling on the floor. You didn't spoke anything before entering in your room and closing the door behind, having that cold and paled face, now since you just came back from that heavy rain, your lips dried and chapped, nose red and cheeks cold, hair's sticking to some parts of your face.

That was your hyped up mother, like always ranting when you didn't listen to her and came back home all soaked. Even though she was telling you to take the umbrella already warning you that it will rain and you won't enter this house if you come home wet, yet you were in your room now and going for a shower. Sometimes her predictions always comes true and things always happen accordingly, you were always left speechless then.

After taking a warm bath, you changed your self into a white oversized sweater and comfortable pajamas since it was already night time and you will be nevertheless going to sleep, but before that as ordered by your mother, you went down, in the living room, into the kitchen to have your dinner, spotting your father seated at the dining table, with your mother on his lap, both being romantic as usual and always.

Clearing your throat you took a seat in front of your father, as you can tell the couple's got panicked seeing you catching them again. Well it wasn't new for you, they love each other more then anything and you found yourself spotting them doing loving gestures and talking sweet to eachother. No arguments nor any problem between them, seeing eachother with a gaze full of love, which you can't help but cringe at, too much to watch in your house that now you don't watch movies.

"Oh my daughter, how many days are left for your summer vacation to end?" Your father asked as usual in a sweet tone, smiling and looking at you foundly yet you kept your poker face, nodding slightly, arranging your plate.

"Day after tomorrow..." You answered shortly pulling the hood above your head, making your father chuckle seeing her daughter like a soft fluff ball whom anyone will like to squeeze.

"And how many times you've stepped out of this house during the vacation?" He asked raising his brows with a questionable face. Here you go, every other parents want their children to be in the house and not go anywhere out to mess up with anything, but here, your parents, especially your father use to force you to go out of the house and interact with new people which you hated the most, people.

"Yeah she just went out to the store and came back all soaked." Your mother spoke, coming towards the table keeping the dishes and shaking her head at you. Your father sighed and served you the food which you were going to do but didn't objected either.

"Y/N, my beautiful Princess. Just try going out at places, it will help you to become more social and you will be more confident" he stated softly, gazing at you pleadingly.

He was talking about your confidence, which was definately high when you are alone in the University. You don't need any one to inform you about what to do or how to behave, you were enough for yourself and that was what make your personality more strong. And about being social, as said you don't like people, so talking to them or socializing with them was far away from your sense. And that because of your cold, quiet yet scary behaviour, the people around you, automatically chose to shut their mouth.

And you don't need people around you, when you have your piano with you. You love playing that. It wasn't yours though, it was your father's and he gladly had granted you the permission to play it and learn it, from the young age. You had already grew attached to it and it's music was every thing you love to hear everytime you feel it, it was heaven indeed.

"No thanks... I'm okay" you answered to him, starting your food, without looking at him. He along with your mother sighed knowing how stubborn you are but he was your father.

"But! Our anniversary is at the edge of this month... Y/N? Will you not buy us gift?" He spoke having a small toothy grin which you didn't noticed. You remember that, and you also know what will he tell you to do next, which you have to follow unwillingly.

Visit the mall tomorrow to buy them a gift.....

"Visit the mall tomorrow to buy us gift!"

---To be continued....

All right reserved©. Following pictures and photos doesn't belongs to me. Credit to their respectful owners. Plagiarism is strictly not allowed nor copying my work. This story is fictional and characters are fantasized. I'm not an expert nor have a proper knowledge for such a story. Excuse my english and some grammar errors since my first language isn't English. Don't take any scenes or plot serious nor comment something abusive, it isn't pleasing to read comments like that.

Enjoy reading and love ya! 💜

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