07.Life Span.

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"Please pay attention everyone. Just now we've got to know that the weather is getting worst every passing minute and so we request the students to be in the college premises or in their classes. No one should go in the ground or on the rooftop, we can't take your responsibility. Please take note of it and do so respectfully. Thank you!" You blinked hearing the announcement from the speakers. Jimin too opened his eyes loosening his grip around you.

Ofcourse hearing this he was worried for the world up there. He pulled away from you slowly, meeting your cold gaze which stared at him. He still can't believe you are his safe place. His eyes still moist but now he was better, better then before. Not feeling any anxiety or those type of feeling which he feels when he knows he will slip into his little world and behave childish. Ofcourse he was thank full that he didn't acted that way, also thanks to you to comfort him without you knowing.

You without any word stood up on your feet and without uttering any word turned walking away from there thinking of going in your class and occupy your self with something useful. Jimin swallowed lightly staring at your figure disappearing from his site. He sighed looking down, desperate to know and somehow talk to the World above and ask them what exactly was it and why the weather was getting worse.

Not thinking twice he stood up and again ran up towards the terrace, even though they were warned not to step in there. Reaching there he walked ahead looking up in the sky, black and grey clouds covering the white sky. Wind blowing harshly and few water droplets falling on the ground. It wasn't pleasing for Jimin to witness a weather like this from land. And the worst part is that he don't have any powers of his right now to know and talk with the other star's.

"Just what is going to happen next? I'm not getting any good feeling for this... Is it going to be that bad of the weather? Please give me some hint, don't hurt any one here from the weather..." He talked, joining his hand, praying softly, closing his eyes. He know if there is any possibility of a storm coming, people will surely be unprepared and that can damage their houses and lifes too. Being a star Prince and also a human he do have a soft spot for everyone here too, even when humans aren't too kind to him.

The clouds suddenly clashed together making a loud and fearing sound as he saw a light thundering through it. He widened his eyes when the lightening wasn't disappearing which means it will surely fall somewhere, surely will damage anything or anyone in person. He looked around the clouds seeing it moving towards the left of the rooftop. Around the University building, it had many other towers and buildings too.

"Will it really thunder?" He muttered swallowing hard biting his lips hardly. He was so desperate to talk and know the real reason and even if any storm will come, he wanted to make sure the people around here are safe. Closing his eyes he tried to use his golden star, to make it shine even though knowing his powers will not work and the golden star in his chest won't light up like this. It was only because he saw his safe place. It will not glow again, but he still tried, closing his eyes shut and clenching his fist tight, praying in his mind.

The sudden loud lightening made him stumble behind as he landed on his butt looking up, seeing it lightened up totally, scaring him a bit. There was an occurrence of some thunders and the sound of clouds clashing with eachother before he felt a hard pain in his chest making him hiss clutching on it tightly, looking down to it only to see it lightened up brightly, the golden star clearly visible through his chest.

He widened his eyes knowing he just got his powers back. Looking up he quickly stood up closing his eyes, want to know what exactly was going up there and what will happen here. His surrounding slowly disappeared, around him the fog and smoke making his feet disappear in them. He opened his eyes looking around the place knowing he have taken his mind to the place above the sky, but his body was still on the earth.

"There will be a storm occuring Jimin, and the power you've got back isn't for saving anyone but just to let you know that if you are willing to save or stop the storm from occuring then your powers will come into use only on one condition" he turned his head to that echoing voice knowing the Moon Prince was ordering him and informing him what to do exactly. He listened to him carefully, nodding in the end wanting to hear the condition.

"What's the condition?"

"Your life span on the Planet Earth will be decreased by 4 days then your actual time period... That means you will have to sacrifice your four days on earth to stop the storm from occuring. Is this okay?" He heard him speaking. Jimin without thinking anything nodded. He know his time period would get shorten by 4 days and he doesn't cares about it if it was the safety for the people of the Earth down there.

"I agree with this. I want to use my powers to stop this storm... I agree" he nodded desperate agreeing and pleading the Moon Prince. The fog under his feet started disappearing slowly as he closed his eyes when the things around him started spinning reminding him that his power was getting used and the storm will eventually get stopped. He felt his star lightening more brightly then usual creating a large amount of light to shine around him.

"You will feel an extreme pain when you reach on the land." He heard the echoing again as he gulped nodding and shrinking his body to get ready for the occuring pain he will feel while reaching down the land, to his human form. Again there was a loud clashing sounds of clouds, lightening passing through eachother and brightening the sky more.

Jimin opened his eyes looking around seeing himself on the rooftop and the sky now bright and sun shining above it gracefully as if nothing happened nor any lightening was occuring before. He sighed in relieve but soon falled on his knees with a groan when he felt the extreme sharp pain inside his chest as if something was tearing his star apart, or heart in human language. He groaned more when the pain slowly was increasing, squeezing his heart more.

His fist clenched and eyes shut close as he gritted his teeth not able to bear the pain. His breathing hitched, feeling as if he was somehow going to die now. His whole body felt numb and weak from inside out both. Not able to feel his legs nor his mind on it's right place, spinning around. He felt as if someone was slowly taking away his breath, yet torturing him to live at the same time. It was a real torture, he have ever felt. Not even when he was up there nor when he was here for a long time now.

What seems like a minute the pain slowly decreased, letting him breath out labourously, while it was the time when he finally heard his heart beat as in a human form. His mind slowly functioning and creating thoughts. He can finally feel his body, his legs and arms. Opening his eyes he slowly stood up, stumbling a bit but balancing himself right. Looking up again in the sky he saw the weather fine and clean, totally normal and sunny.

Sighing he curved a faint smile directing it to the Moon Prince for hearing him out and not harming the human's here. Even though now he didn't had his powers he was atleast relieved that it was useful and it helped him to save the people here. He never knew he would get this painful torture after this but it was anyway worth it and he didn't complained about it. Caressing his chest he jumped happily and ran away from there like a happy kid.

Not able to remember that his time period on earth have decreased by 4 days. The pain he felt and the torture he went through was just a distraction for him to forget about it in a way that he will only remember it when he is willing to save or use his powers again on something or someone.

---To be continued.............

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