15.Your parents.

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You stared at the plaster which was wrapped around your ankle. Eyes empty and lost. Face pale and loss of colour. Lips dry and mind blank. You were there in the nursing room, on the bed, resting having your plastered leg. The specialist have treated the ugly bruise before wrapping the white plaster when he got to know that there was a minor break in your bone of the ankle. And to heal it he had applied some spray too.

You can't really think or process anything nicely. After what the doctor have told you at the field, you didn't even know how to react to it. You were just seated there with your expressionless face even though inside you felt totally numb hearing those almost cruel statement from him. For you it was like someone have told you to stop breathing. For a person like you who surely was an athletic in running, you felt your heart break.

How is to feel when something you love, is taken away from you telling you to not have anything with it? It feels awfully ridiculous and ones heart surely won't agree to this easily. You didn't even expected that a little trip and fall can take you here where you can't think of anything but of running. You've never thought about this, nor something like this was expected. No one would want such a fate. Only this year, the last year, you won't be able to represent the University, but also you won't be able to run the way you use to before.

Jimin peeked through the small gape of the opened nursing door, seeing you lost and in your own world. After you were bought here, you didn't moved nor spoke to anyone, the specialist just treated your ankle in which you didn't make any sound as well as if you were freezed all the while. He too heard what the specialist have said and the precautions he had informed you to take for the better improvement of your ankle.

He leaned back the wall looking down at his foot, mind thinking alot of things. Till where he have got to know about your and your passion about running and especially representing the University, he can clearly see that pain of rejection and defeated in your cold eyes. Ofcourse now that in everyone's eyes you are injured, the coach will have to choose Jimin for the sports who can represent the University this year.

Yet, the golden haired boy didn't felt anything right now. Even though he used his Power for winning against you, he can't use it at the finals when he will be surrounded by different colleges student's and athelete. Biting his lips he again slowly peeked from the gape spotting you rubbing your eyes roughly, lips parted slightly and trembling clearly. He understood what you were going through now.

Jimin's heart suddenly clenched tightly making his breathing hitched as he widened his eyes remembering he have to bear the pain after using his powers as directed by the Moon Prince itself. He clutched on his chest shutting his eyes tight, gritting his teeth feeling that squeezing of his heart as if his breath will be taken away soon. He stumbled back trying to take in the lost oxygen.

His back hitted the wall behind as he slided down through it without any voice coming from his mouth to not make you aware that he was there out. His legs felt weak while his insides were clenching badly to get some oxygen to break free the unbearable pain inside his chest. Jimin's eyes automatically filled with heavy tears, flowing from the corner and head throwed back showing how badly he was in pain.

What seemed like an eternity torture, his chest slowly started relaxing, him finally inhaling some fresh air while his body numb sitting on the floor helpless. He breath out heavily, face covered with tears and tired physically and mentally as well. Swallowing hard he opened his eyes slowly, vision blur and mind dizzy.

Nevertheless a small smile got curved on his lips as he breath out wiping his face and standing up taking the walls support. Fixing his clothes he heard loud footsteps coming through the hallway as he looked at that particular direction seeing two person rushing towards him, one male while another female, at their mid-age, worry washed over their face, totally concerned.

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