13.Sad truth.

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The students gave the golden haired boy weird stares. Some being wipped while some being weirded out. As you know, him being in that oversized hoodie while just his giant sleeves rolled up till his elbow, he was literally hanging on the rod with legs up and body swinging down, hands tightly clutching on the pole, his hair falling downwards, revealing his holy forehead. That was fine until his facial expression kicked in.

Please don't make me fall....

He was chanting this phrase inside his brain for he don't know how many times now. Utter fear clearly expressed on his features while his lips tugged downward in a weird way creating a new kind of expression while he refused to look upside down knowing he will loose it if he will look down and if his grip around the pole will loose, he was invited back on the star before his time period gets over.

"One minute more, good! You are doing good!" The coach complimented him encouraging him more as he had been hanging there for awhile now and he seriously can see blurry stars now in front of his eyes.

"Why is there stars in front of my eyes?" Jimin managed to ask still not opening his eyes smiling nervously maintaining his grip and balance. The coach as well as the others gave a look at eachother before rushing towards the boy and quickly pulling him down safely who just collapsed on the floor not opening his eyes yet smiling ear to ear.

"They are shining... Wow? We really shine?" He chuckled catching his head since it was spinning now. The coach rubbed his back telling one of the students to bring him water. Jimin finaly slowly opened his eyes as the world around him was blurr and things rotating a bit not able to make any difference. He felt those gentle rubbing against his back making him turn towards the coach with that smile still plastered, just like a clueless small kid. The coach can't help but smile controlling himself to not awe on him again.

"I... I feel something coming up from my stomach-"

"He want to vomit!" Jimin quickly stood up rushing towards the washroom and inside the cubicle before puking out everything from inside his body. His eyes automatically filled with tears, nose running and body limp, feeling as if he don't have any strength left. Tears escaped as he puked inside the commod while something naseous kicking in his system feeling everything bad.

Here you entered the coaching room seeing it basically silent, everyone talking to themselves and not doing their own stretch outs or working out like they should. You searched for your coach finding him talking to some students, as if explaining and telling them something about sports maybe? You kept your bag in the corner removing your extra and comfortable clothes of stretching and working out for the upcoming sport's day.

Not caring anyone as no one noticing you, you walked towards the washrooms and the changing room towards the passage. Since they are mostly empty you were about to twist the door knob of the room when you heard soft sniffles and some weird noise from inside itself. Joining your brows together you without thinking anything else entered in seeing a part of the figure leaning against the cubicles.

Looking around the empty washroom, you made your way towards that unknown figure from where those weird noises were coming. Peeking a bit you saw the head of the body almost inside the commode while their hands taking support from side, body loose and visibly weak. Those whimpers were heard more clearly and as if the person was trying to clear his throat.

Jimin coughed out, his saliva excreting as he kept his eyes closed, tears flowing and heart beating rapidly. His face was covered with sweat and hairs sticking messily on his forehead. He never knew he have to go through this at first place. Maybe his body wasn't ready to take in such things and hang there for so long like other athletes. He spitted out the remaining saliva before flushing it and limping his back on the wall resting his head back.

"Park Jimin?" He flinched opening his eyes snapping his head towards the door seeing you standing there with some clothes and a frown with that cold face. First you were doubting if it was really Jimin from his hair but when he turned you were a bit surprised seeing the boy in such a messed up state, vomiting here. His lips white and eyes teary, nose running and the face colour dull.

Not as you have been seeing him all the time. The smiling and cheerful boy with his positive vibes on.

"Uh-hii~" he wiped his eyes with his sleeves smiling small at you slowly standing up on his feet. He felt so light and dizzy as if he doesn't want to even move any muscle. His eyes half closed while his vision being blurred then before making him stumble in front on you as your reflexes worked up catching him, him too clutching on your body with a small groan.

"I.... It's all because of you.... You are so bad angel...." He muttered lazily resting his head on you side, breathing out heavy. You didn't heard that properly but you got that 'it's all because of you' line. Rolling your eyes you pulled away from him seeing his messed up face. But Jimin hissed again resting his body weight on you, head resting back on your shoulder while he clutched on your both arms.

"Stay like this" he whispered softly making you think if he was out of his mind. Who are you to listen to him and stay like this like a statue? Even though he wasn't in his best conditions you didn't cared because he should first behave himself and know what he was doing with you, you the cold and rude girl. And so clenching your fist you pushed him lightly.

"Be away-"

"I said stay!" You were about to scold and snap at him like always but this time he pulled you back, gripping on your wrist almost slamming your face on his chest as your hand automatically rested on his shoulder while you had your eyes bluged out with utter shock. Jimin again snaked his arm around your waist now resting his head on your head, having eyes closed and a small smile resting on his face.

Your heart twisted before beating ever so rapidly that you felt harsh goosebumps appearing on your skin. What was this feeling? Your eyes still wide open and one hand resting on his shoulder while face almost pressing against his chest breathing hitched. Your face turning red suddenly hearing his heartbeat which beat calmly and his arms wrapped around your waist gently, giving you in his soft yet comfortable hug which maybe you need always but couldn't get.

"See, I get peace when you are with me" Jimin spoke hoarsely before clearing his throat, the disgusting taste on the back of his throat making him swallow with a little scrunch.

"Though you are bad, your eyes hides many unseen fantasies which the world will love to know", he added whispering softly, his voice calm and sweet like honey. You listened to him quietly, gulping hard blinking few times with your wide lost eyes which stared at nothing, body pressed against his.

"Can I ask you to do me a favour? Can I be your diary where you can write down those fantasies of yours? Those thoughts which makes you feel better in your own way, to enjoy your own company?" He continued now having a small smile. His body feeling relaxed having you in his arms while heart catching it's rhythm like those piano tiles which makes such a glorious melody. Just like those stars who he was, he saw he himself shining around you, with no brightness, no light, no miracle, still so lively and lovely that he felt it genuinely from inside.

He didn't lied saying he feels peace when you are with him, like this, in that position, close to him.

Surely you were his warm place, his safe place.

But the sad truth here was, Jimin, even knowing the truth, knowing you are his gaurdian angel and also a difficult person to deal with. All this, they were his tries to get you close to him so atleast he can be doing his work of keeping his safe place by his side and to show the above world, his real home that he was atleast trying to, trying and showing his capabilities of being the next Moon Prince, for what he was actually sended here.

To interact with real people and then go back to the moon where he belongs to. To have a taste of the real world here and their different personalities.

One day he have to leave anyway.

---To be continued.......

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