20.The awaited day.

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You ran as fast as you can, looking behind through your shoulder time to time. Breathing fast and heart feeling numb, legs moving at a speed no one can really catch. Sweat tricking down your forehead and you were feeling tired yet you know you have to run until you reach the finishing line. Until you escape the monster behind you who was chasing you from the moment you started running.

You saw the finishing line at a far distance, your legs trying to speed up as you closed your eyes shut, not ignoring the loud footsteps behind you, almost nearing you too. You gasped loudly when you felt a hand holding your ankle making you fly down on the rough ground, hissing loudly from the pain you felt in your body.

Opening your eyes you saw the faceless huge monster towering above you, body almost like a thin air. You backed away, crawling back, trying to catch your breath and get up but it felt like you had barely any strength left inside you. Your mind going foggy and dim, preventing any kind of thoughts to enter inside your brain.

The monster stepped more ahead, leaning close to your face making you gulp, staring at that faceless creature, scary and creepy. Your body suddenly getting hit behind a wall taking away your breath. Your surrounding totally empty, everything seems to be disappearing like a thin air.

A harsh wind blowed through the sky making you shut your eyes and keep your hands above your head, a strange sound reaching your ears making it go numb and even though you tried to ignore it, the sound was peircing even more than before making it difficult for you to be sane.

"Go away.... Ugh" you muttered gritting your teeth but the sound didn't go away, infact adding to that, you heard more chaos around, frustrating you as you moved your head left to right, breathing getting heavy and body filling with goosebumps.

"Ugh go away.."

"Y/N!! Get up!!" You opened your eyes wide spotting your mother's face right above your head giving you another jump scare as you quickly sat straight, hearing your alarm ringing continuously besides your bed on the table. You groaned hoarsely rubbing your eyes and hitting the alarm off shaking your head knowing it was just a dream.

"Come on get up and get ready, you'll be late to report on the ground than" your mom patted your head, removing the sheets from above you and fixing the pillows. You sighed before standing up and going in your bathroom, a new kind of determination taking place inside your body reminding yourself that today was it. Today it was the sports day and you'll be representing your university like every year.

After getting freshed up, you fixed your hair, also seeing your bed totally done. Taking your bag in which you had packed the necessary essentials for this day, you went downstairs in the living room, knowing your mom must have already prepared breakfast and your dad must be hyped up for this day to finally arrive that he'll see his daughter representing the university once again.

"Here comes my athlete daughter~" your father chimed as soon as you entered the kitchen keeping your bag aside, smiling small at him not wanting to be rude atleast for today. Your mother soon served the breakfast beaming with joy and ranting how she'll cheer even more this year for you when you're at the starting line.

You were surely confident because this three days you had indeed practiced alot in the University, so you were sure that your hard work will pay off. Leaving the practice there was this golden haired boy who was always there seated on the bleachers whenever you practiced. It shouldn't have bothered you but after that day when you had practically yeeted yourself on him in the car, it made you mad at yourself for some reason you can't particularly say.

And to tell you were least bothered by him would be a lie, because now you knew Jimin wasn't putting on an act of being nice and weird, he was just like that from the start.  Nice and weird. But although you still were curious to know about his problem, the reason behind why he suddenly gets in pain, wants his Namjoon Hyung besides him. You can't fix the puzzles properly yet.

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