19.Close up.

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Sometimes we tend to jump to conclusions before knowing the whole truth. And we do know maybe there's another side of story too, we still ignore it because the moment the half truth have strucked us, we become freezed and pinned. We become totally unaware and that our mind itself needs it's time to process things around us. A lie is way more better for some people to hide the cruel and bitter truth because that's how we feel, we don't want to face a truth which we know would destroy us once it was to get revealed.

So we keep it hidden until we cannot, as per because the lie starts to break and truth itself starts to reveal itself. The truth which we know we've kept in and was killing us somehow, mentally. Our mind to have it's capacity to hold a certain amount of break, but once it goes extreme we feel depressed, we feel lonely, we tend to not take in our daily surroundings, hence the body gets weak and our hearts automatically makes a wall to protect ourselves from other heart breaks which can destroy us again.

At some point the wall we've created becomes so strong that it becomes difficult for us to find our true self than. We forget what were we like before and what changed us. It becomes difficult even for another individual to see through us no matter how hard they try because a part of them are under repair too.

People break people, but people also cure people.

It just depends on who you put your trust in, who the person really is.

Jimin ran down the stairs wanting to catch up with you to return your necklace which was clutched in his hand. It wasn't long that you exited so he had hopes that he'll find you somewhere near the stairs. And he did, finding you climbing down the stairs, two floor down with your bag hanging at one side while your pace normal.

"Y/N?!" He called out peeking from above as you halted, looking up seeing his face. Once stopping you he too rushed down the stairs while you waited not knowing what was the matter now with him. You saw him coming down finally as you were exactly between the stairs that he have stopped you.

"Thank god I found you here.." he smiled, now one step up, breathing out from the excercise. You waited for him to speak further and tell you what's the matter because before this you had to escape from the music room at how awkward the atmosphere had really become, so you indeed don't know what he wanted to talk further about.

"Here... Your necklace" he forwarded your necklace smiling small as when your eyes scanned the very familiar stone you widened your eyes snatching away from him and staring at it totally stunned yet not expecting him to have it all this while when you were searching for it madly.

"What was this doing with you?!!" You glared at him clutching on the necklace, relieved yet somehow getting mad now for you don't know exactly why. Maybe because this necklace was close to you. That you had this ever since you were little. You don't remember how you found this or who gave you this necklace but you had always adored and cherished it these whole years until few days back it went missing all of a sudden.

"Remember when before today, I was having crises and I hugged you in the hallway? That time this necklace got stuck on my clothing and we both didn't know, I realised it when I was home. This morning I never got the chance to return it to you so here it is now" he explained pretty confidently, doing some hand gestures and at last smiling at you.

"I wanted to ask you though, where did you got this necklace from?" He asked frowning a bit, staring at the necklace in your hand since the necklace itself had a small star stone attached to it. You don't have the answer for that and so you turned and started walking down, clutching tightly on the necklace to not loose it again. To what Jimin said, you found it reasonable because only after that you too realised that your necklace was actually missing.

The Star Prince || PJMWhere stories live. Discover now