The violinist

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Jake POV:

Seriously? Is Hailey putting me on this blind date or something? She told me to go to the place and meet someone I didn't even know. Why is she like this? Ugh.

It's supposed to be a reunion she said, with who? Is it someone from high school? Then why is she being so secretive?

I parked in the parking lot at this performance theatre, I looked around to see a bunch of other cars, they just kept rushing in. I was glad I'm early though, I don't think there would've been enough parking slots in a few minutes.

Whoever's performing must be very good, being able to attract this many people in such a short amount of time. I don't even know if I can do that. I heard they are really popular in France. Hm, that's where Drew was...

I felt a sharp pain in my stomach as the thoughts flood my head. I sat back down in my car, my hands holding my stomach. I winced at the mental and physical pain the memories caused me. I can never get myself to think about Drew, my best friend. I felt my body tense and my throat tight

I squeezed my eyes and tried to shake the thoughts out of my head, his confident smile, his brown eyes, his soft magenta hair. It's all too much.

I stayed in the car, breathing heavily at the overwhelming thought of my best friend. After a good 10 minutes, I was finally able to calm down. I looked like a mess, I grabbed my mirror and cleaned myself up before going in.

Grabbing my bag and dusting myself off, I entered the auditorium, Hailey managed to get me VIP seating in the auditorium, it was a seat on the very top of the huge auditorium, I gotta say, it have the best view.

Entering the corridors, I handed the service people my tickets and they guided me to the auditorium. I can hear the faint music through the walls, it wasn't clear what the instrument is. The guards opened the door slowly, I flinched as the sudden high pitch sound of the instrument struck me.

Still shocked, I quickly took a seat at the very edge to get the best view, and that's when I saw.

The stage was adorned with an elegant black piano, its gleaming surface reflecting the soft glow of the overhead chandeliers and spotlight. Yet, it was not the piano that captured my attention, but rather the figure standing beside it—a man with a beautiful and confident smile, playing a violin with such reverence and grace that it seemed an extension of his very being.

As I gazed at the man, his passion became overpowering. His eyes sparkled with an intensity that matched the fiery crescendos, and his brows furrowed in concentration during the softer, more tender passages. He was lost in the music, consumed by its power, and I felt myself being drawn into his world—a world where nothing else existed but the violin and the melodies that flowed from its very core.

My hands unconsciously went up to clutch my heart, the music and the gracefulness are actually going to make me explode. I found myself holding my breath, afraid to disturb the fragile beauty before me. My heart fluttered with eagerness.

As he closed his eyes, a serene tranquillity washed over his countenance. With the delicate yet purposeful stroke of the bows. The man's body swayed back and forth and back and forth, so elegantly, so beautifully, His feet tapping along with the melody and the rhythm, him dancing around the stage slightly, along with the beautiful music that emanated from the instrument that he was holding. His moves were perfect, he was perfect, everything was perfect.

At this point, I was standing, and the people around me are probably glaring at me but I don't care. The music started speeding up, getting everyone more excited. Everybody started clapping to the beat as he plays. He started tapping his feet and more people yelled and clapped till he ended off with a crisp high note and lasted for as long as I remembered.

Everybody clapped and so did I, I wooed and yelped like it was the most beautiful music piece ever, it was till now that I noticed something off about the person.

I stood up and went to the edge of the stage to get a better look. The person had magenta hair and brown eyes. They almost look exactly like a person I know, but who exactly.

Then it struck me. 

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