Why did you make him love you?!

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Jake and Drew collide with each other, knocking Drew to the ground

"tch... Watch where you're going, Drew." Jake snarled, turning the other direction

"Hey! What's your problem man?" Henry walked in front of Jake as Liam helped Drew up. 
Jake peered at how much Drew struggled to get up.

"Well! Why don't you ask your Drewy-bear over there?!" Jake yelled. 

Henry was startled 
"Jake, I don't know what happened but you gotta chill" Henry put his hand up in defense
"Pfft, mind your own business" Jake was going to shove past when Drew butted in, giving Henry a reassuring look

"Jake, can we talk... Somewhere else?" Drew looked around to see everyone around them was staring.

"Fine..." Jake and Drew walked into an empty classroom
"Alone." Drew glared at Liam and Henry. They sighed and stood outside

"Jake, I'm sorry, this was never supposed to happen" Jake could tell Drew was sincere, Drew was holding both of his hands. 

"Don't touch me Drew" Jake quickly took back his hands "And sorry doesn't do ANYTHING Drew" Jake clarified. 
"You heard what I said earlier, we. are. not. friends. anymore." Jake turned around to go

"Please jake..." Drew grabbed Jake's wrist
"I don't understand Jake, what have I ever done to you?! Why do you love the freaks so much?!" Drew yelled, the word freaks just flew out, it's a habit. 

Jake snapped and when he turned back to face Drew, he slapped him right across the face with all his power. 

"You just NEVER change do you Drew? How many times do I have to tell you to STOP CALLING THEM 'FREAKS'?!" Jake yelled, walking towards Drew. Drew held his face tight while backing up slowly. 

"You know what you've done? YOU PRESSURE ME INTO DOING THINGS I DIDN'T WANT TO. YOU PUSHED ME AROUND LIKE I WAS NOTHING, YOU MADE ME BULLY! YOU MADE ME LOSE MY REAL FRIENDS, I HATE YOU" Jake cornered Drew in the classroom, with his back to the wall. 

Jake's face was inches away from Drew's. They were both breathing heavily. Their eyes were locked. They stayed in that position for a long second, in silence. 

Jake was taken by surprise and jumped back when Drew start to shake violently. Drew fell down on his bottom. 

Jake watched his ex-best friend shake, and blink, trying not to cry. Then it broke. Drew was now sobbing loudly on his knees. 

"I'm sorry... I'm so sorry Jake" Drew whispered under his breath. 

The confident, big ego, joyful best friend that Jake once had was broken, and possibly forever. "Drew... I-" Jake managed to say in shock

"Drew?!" Liam yelled from behind, running in with Henry. They shoved past Jake. And both hugged Drew and comforted him. 

"What's your problem man?!" Liam couldn't take it anymore. He tried to forgive Jake many times but this is unacceptable. 

"I tried, and really hard to forgive you... BUT THIS IS TOO FAR" Liam started to yell. Jake almost jumped out of his skin when he was backing away.

"If you don't want to stay friends with us THEN LEAVE" Liam was walking up to him faster than Jake can escape. 

Henry quickly ran up to Liam and held him back. 
"Why don't you go find your real friends huh?" Liam continued
"The music club what's never even tried listening to you if it weren't for-" Liam stopped himself before he can say Drew did it. 

By now, Jake was already out the door, walking down the hallway. 
"How Jake? Why Jake?! WHY DID YOU MAKE HIM LOVE YOU?!" Liam yelled down the hallway. 

Jake stopped in the corner of the hall. He felt a hot tear running down his face. 

I-I... I'm so sorry Drew 

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