Sleepover gone wrong

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Drew POV:

I don't what's happening to me, just a few months ago, I was the happiest and healthiest boy alive. I had everything I wanted, Love from my best friend, Jake, a beautiful girlfriend, Zoey, and amazing friends, most importantly Henry and Liam, and now I'm like this. I'm the boy with all sickness in one, lying in a hospital bed, told that I have to be transported to France to the seriousness of my illness.

I started(or restarted) all types of bad habits like smoking, and cutting. I couldn't sleep properly, couldn't eat properly, couldn't think properly. I've been getting, illusions of some sort. I don't know, I'm not an expert at these types of things.

If I survive, then I can probably start a new life, I was kinda prepared for this moment. Where I'm too sick to move, to hurt to think.

Flashback to 2 weeks before:

3rd view

Drew came back from school, it was just another day but today was special. Drew have invited Jake to his house for a sleepover, it's been months since they got to hang out like this alone, and Drew was extremely excited to have Jake over again.

Drew walked to his dad's office

"Hi, um, father" Drew stood by the father, waiting for his father's permission to enter.

"Ugh, Andrew, what do you want? I'm busy, you should be too, I got some more paperwork for you to do, you know you have to take over the company sometime in the future" His dad said frustratingly.

Ever since the accident with Drew's mom. Drew's dad has been changed forever. He has become the biggest workaholic you can meet. He's been giving loads of work to Drew, on top of Drew's school work.

"Well actually, do you remember Jake?" Drew smiled softly

Drew's dad understood this behaviour, he turned around and took off his glasses

"Hmm, the one with the blond and pink hair?" He replied

"Yes! Well, I invited him over for a sleepover, can I have a day off?-" Drew asked shyly

"No! Andrew, you know how behind we are on work" His dad sat up

That's a lie, we are quite ahead Drew thought to himself

"I know! I'm sorry, father. But I promise I'll do extras this week!" Drew tried to fight back

"You are willing to do extra for a whole week just for a night with this Jake?" Drew's father frowned, his son looked really desperate. Drew blushed slightly then nodded earnestly.

"Alright, have fun tonight then" His father sighed then turned back to his computer

Drew was shocked and happy. He jumped out of the office to prepare for the sleepover.

He checked his watch, 7:00 pm.

He should be here in 60 minutes Drew thought to himself, he was so excited aboutout the sleepover

Drew tidied his room, the living room and the kitchen. He cooked Jake's favourite dish and even charged up the consoles of Jake's favourite games. When he was cleaning up, Drew spotted a small pink box with the obvious words "For Jake" in the corner of his closet. In it was both a music note plushy and a card.

Drew smiled at it sadly maybe I can give it to him today he thought to himself.

Drew turned up his music inside his airpod and pulled out his computer, he thought that he might as well do some work while waiting. He opened his tabs and sighed

That's a lot of work, but it's okay! Jake is coming soon Drew felt a rush of energy thinking that Jake would be here any second.

Little did he know, seconds turned into minutes, and minutes turned into hours. Drew was proud of this productivity, it's been a while since he finished this much work in such a small period of time. Rew checked his watch again.

10:30?!? What?! Where the heck is Jake Drew's eyes widened as he stared at his screen. Drew quickly pulled out his phone to call Jake or check for messages

Did something happen? Was there an emergency, is he okay? Drew panicked while dialling Jake's number which he memorized.

No one picked up the calls, he then texted Jake multiple messages asking where he is.

Drew decided that he should stay up just in case Jake was just a little bit late. He was still convinced that Jake was going to come eventually so he didn't eat anything. Drew was feeling horrible, and he distracted himself with more hours of work. Eventually, he fell asleep by his table.

When Drew woke again, it was 4:00 am. When Drew saw the time, he checked the messages again.

A new post from Jake sterling?!?! Drew read from his phone. He clicked the notification to see the most heartbreaking image.

JAKE WAS AT A SLEEPOVER WITH THE MUSIC FREAKS. Drew immediately stood up, he covered his mouth as tears formed in his eyes.

Drew fell down to the ground, one of his hand hugging himself and the other one hugging the phone. Drew sobbed on the ground. He once again was abandoned.

Drew couldn't control himself. He shakingly walked into the washroom. He searched his drawers desperately as if looking for treasure. Drew found a tiny box hidden in the corner of his drawer. He grabbed it and fell back down to the ground, he backed up to the corner of his washroom.

Drew was despondent, his hands clutched his chest. He felt like he wanted to pull his heart out of his body. Drew sobbed in the corner, he felt so ill, he wanted to die

Drew's been feeling like this for months, but the music freaks were the limit. He was replaced once again by the person he cared about most in the world and his heart aced from that.

Drew opened the box to see a small, shiny piece of sharp silver.

Here I go again...

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