The meet-up apology

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Drew stared at Jake's message.


Drew sighed,

About time

He thought to himself

'Yeah' he replied dryly, he didn't feel like writing sentences nor paragraphs

He noticed Jake typing immediately after he sent his message

Jakey-poo 💩💖

Alright! Thank you so much Drew.

6:00? At our favourite park?


Um, yeah

Jake was extremely happy, it's been so long since he talked to Drew. Their meet-up was in an hour. Jake lay on his bed, his face heated up and light pink. Jake lay back on his bed and sighed. He felt warmth in his heart which was pounding hard and he smiled sheepishly. "Milo! I'm going out with Drew at 6:00!" He screamed from the bedroom. Milo didn't reply but he just shrugged it off

Jake might have relaxed a little bit too much that he fell asleep.

After what felt like forever, Jake woke up to Milo yelling in his face

"JAKE! JAKEEE!! WAKE UPPPP" Milo screamed in his ears

Jake sat up lazily from his bed clearly irritated

"Aren't you supposed to get going? it's 5:55! You know how Drew feels about you being lateeee" Milo yelled

"WHAT?!" Jake jolted awake, he checked his phone, and Milo was right.

"You're welcome!!" Milo said as Jake rushed past him

Jake quickly put on a hoodie and raced out of the house as his brother crossed his arm

What would you do without me

Milo thought with his arm crossed and flicked his hair

Jake arrived in 15 minutes panting. He quickly looked around but he couldn't find Drew. Then he spotted a purple-haired figure sitting on the bench on the far side of the park, near the river. The figure looked extremely tired and worn out, their posture and their stance is really obvious. Jake slowly walked up behind the purple-haired boy and stood there, hesitant about what to do.

"You're late" Jake heard a small voice say

"I'm sorry Drew, I fell asleep" Jake sat down next to Drew

Jake saw that Drew was smoking a cigarette which Jake had big problems with

"Drew, you're smoking again," Jake said, holding Drews's face and his hand

"I can see, thank you very much" Drew shoved Jake away

Jake's heart broke and he sighed. There was a silence between them as Jake thought of what to say. Drew continued to smoke and refused to look at Jake

"I'm so sorry Drew, I shouldn't have forgotten about the sleepover, I know I hurt you! it was all my fault" Jake said, trying to get a hold of Drew's hand, but Drew kept hitting Jake's away

"If it wasn't yours then who's?" Drew retorted

Jake gave Drew an unamused glare

"Why do you have to be so difficult Drew" Jake said, trying to get hold of the cigarette that Drew continued to breathe from

"Tch. i thought you already knew why" Drew gave him a hard glare and purposely took a long drag off his cigarette

Jake sighed disappointed and frustrated, he took his hands off Drew's cold cheeks but while doing so, Jake accidentally brushed his fingertip off Drew's thighs.

A sharp feeling jolted up Drew's spine as he jumped up from the bench. He backed away a few steps and faced Jake. Both persons' eyes were wide and Drew's hands seemed to be guarding his thighs.

Jake stared at him intensely

"Drew?..." Jake said quietly

"Ah shoot. I messed up" Drew cursed under his breath

Drew backed up some more then he began to shake. His leg trembled violently followed by his body, as he lost his balance. The boy's hand covered his mouth as he bowed his hand. Hands clutched his chest as he collapsed to his knees.

Jake immediately ran up to Drew, saving Drew's knee's from serious damage.

Drew felt overwhelmed and his vision blurred. His heart was racing, and his breathing was shallow. He felt a tightness in his chest and a wave of panic washing over him. He had a panic attack.

Jake realized the gravity of the situation as he saw Drew struggling to regain control. He had never seen Drew in such distress before, and it made his heart ache with guilt. Jake hugged Drew tightly on the ground as Drew shook violently.

"Please Drew," Jake said softly as he tried to support Drew from collapsing completely. "I'm so sorry for what I did earlier. I didn't mean it. I'm so sorry for hurting you."

Drew looked up at Jake with tear-filled eyes. He could see the sincerity in Jake's gaze, and it gave him a glimmer of hope. Despite the racing thoughts in his mind, he found comfort in Jake's presence.

"Sorry can't do anything now, what's done is done," Drew said saltily, He couldn't control himself from feeling whatever he was feeling. His body trembled as tears ran down his cheeks

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," Jake repeated, his voice filled with remorse. "I should have never done those things. I value our friendship more than anything, and I don't want to lose it because of some stupid gachagram post." 

Why Can't You Understand? Drew/drake angstWhere stories live. Discover now