The right thing to do

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Jake sat alone in his first two classes. He felt horrible for what he did. He didn't mean to say the things that came out of his mouth. He regretted everything he did, he wanted to go back into the past and change everything. He looked out the window as he gets lost in his own thoughts.

The first two classes felt really long for Jake. He couldn't focus on anything, all he could think about was what he did to drew and the music club.

Jake decided to sit alone during lunch, he got his phone and looked around for a seat. That's when he saw Drew sitting with Henry and Liam. Jake thought he saw Drew staring at him but wasn't sure for he looked away really quickly. Henry and Liam were talking to each other, checking up with Drew every so often. Drew looked like he's been crying for so long, he's eyes were both really puffy. Jake felt even worse now, he sat down at a random table.

"Hey, Drew? Are you okay?" Henry asked, with concern in his voice.

"Yeah, um, Henry I'm okay" Drew stuttered while speaking

Liam and Henry shared a glance and gave him an unsure look

"Do I look that bad?-" Drew gave them a glare

"A little bit, you don't look okay Drew" Liam scratched the back of his neck

"Drew. Why are you not eating? The food is delicious" Henry encouraged him as he munched on some more food.

"Yeah, well, I probably should" Drew stared down at his food. Should I eat it? Will I throw up? I'll be fine, it's only a little bit Drew reassured himself and started eating.

It was after lunch, Henry, Liam and Drew started walking back to class when Drew suddenly collapsed on the ground.

"Ugh, no, please! Not now" Drew cursed under his breath

"Drew?! Are you okay, do you need help?" Liam jumped

"Washroom..." Drew muttered

The three quickly ran to the washroom. Drew crouched over the toilet and started throwing up loads.

The two friends crouched beside him, trying to calm him down while panicking a lot. They gave each other unsure and serious glances as Drew continued to throw up.

Drew stopped for a second, leaning back and attempting to stop
"Guys, I'm fine, it's oka-"

Drew coughed and quickly went back to the toilet and continued.

This lasted 5 long minutes of subsequent throw-up. Drew clenched his stomach tight from the excruciating pain. Drew felt disgusted by himself, and want to apologize to Henry and Liam for seeing this.

The other two were on the verge of tears, Henry and Liam wanted to make sure Drew was okay, and Drew was definitely not. They felt a sense of helplessness watching their best friend suffer.

When Drew was finally done, he felt the consciousness slide out of him, he fell backwards but Liam caught him just in time. Liam leaned Drew's head against his chest. Henry grabbed paper trying to clean Drew's face and the surrounding area.

Henry was cleaning up when he realized something horrifying, his eyes wide while he stared at Liam. That's when both realized something, there was bright red liquid everywhere, when they looked at Drew, there was continuous blood coming out of Drew's mouth. Drew's eyes were closed and occasionally, he coughed out blood softly.

Henry sat beside collapsed Drew and Liam. The friends, see one of their closest friends lying on them unconscious. Both of them couldn't help but hug each other tightly and started weeping with together silently.


Ring!! The day finally ended, and Jake can finally talk to his friends that he once abandoned.

Jake rushed to the music room to see all the members chatting and chilling.

"Guys!" Jake barged in, he saw Hailey surprised a little bit

"Oh my gosh Hailey, I'm so sorry" Jake ran up to Hailey hugging her tight

"I didn't mean anything I say! Drew and the others manipulated me an-" Jake wanted to explain everything and tell them how sorry he was.

Hailey cut him off when she put a finger to his lip

"It's okay Jake, we heard everything" Hailey smiled softly at Jake, which made Jake blush.

"Y-you did? How?" Jake said with confusion, looking around at the other members and giving him a warm smile. Just a few days ago, they yelled and threatened him.

"Well! That's a secret!" Milly jumped up from the side, giving Jake a big hug.

"Anyways Jake, we are sorry for not listening to you" Hailey continued

"Are you okay Jake? Did something happen when we weren't there?" Hailey asked with concern, trying to get him to talk about Drew, which worked successfully

Jake's smile faded in an instant

"Well... this morning" Jake started talking, he told them everything that happened that morning. The member's eyes widened.

Hailey looked back at the club members, questioning whether they should tell. Hailey saw Sean shake his head, they promised Drew, they can't just break a promise like that.

"Do you think I made the right choice?" Jake pondered, walking back and forth

"He DID bully you guys! And he also manipulated me into saying those things, for all I know, he couldn't send you the recording in the beginning!" Jake got angry once again

"He made me like this! He made me a bully! A bad person" Jake looked at his hands, then looked at the members

"Jake, I don't think-" Luke tried to say before Jake cut him off again

"Wait a minute- I remember when I was leaving, Liam was saying something like 'The music club what's never even tried listening to you if it weren't for-' then he stopped! I didn't even get to hear the last part-" Jake was cut off by a voice outside

"If it weren't for Drew

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