The harsh truth

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End of flashback

Jake's POV:

Zoey, Lia, Henry and Liam and I were meeting up at Drew's house to discuss the situation. His dad wasn't doing the best either so we decided to keep an eye on him. We decided to skip school today because Zoey said that there was much to say, how much can it be?

Before I left the house I heard a voice calling for me

"Wait! Jake!" Milo ran up to me, he looked like he's been crying too

"You know I'm mad at you Jake, but I forgot to tell you something," Milo said, unwilling to make eye contact.

Milo explained that a few days before, he caught Drew smoking in the park. I was really surprised and felt even worse. I walked out the door and closed it gently behind me. I just wanted to sob and cry and sob forever. My heart broke into a thousand pieces as I walked towards his house.

I arrived first, I took a deep breath and was about to walk into the house when I felt a harsh tug on my collar.

"Ow!" I yelped

I was pulled by strong arms to see Zoey in front of me, then she caught me by total surprise

She struck me hard across my face, the force pushed me back against the wall behind me. I hit my head on the brick walls.

"What have you done?..." She said her tone changed when she spoke those words. They were first harsh, then broken. Her face scrunched up as she ran into the house.

Right behind was Lia. She helped me stand straight and put her hands to my cheek.

"It's turning purple, go get some ice for your face and head. Do you know where that is?" She said softly

"Yeah I-" I began to say, then I froze

Did I know where it was? Have I not been here for that long, that I forgot where the ice was?

Lia just looked at me disappointedly and sighed. "It's in the left corner of the kitchen, right beside the ice cream maker which is beside the popcorn make which is beside the sink by the fridge by the door to the kitchen." She blurted out while stuttering on some of the things she said. She chuckled lightly at the long sentence and walked into the house.

At this point, I don't even know how much I messed up, I don't wanna know. I walked to the kitchen and looked where Lia told me, it was exactly there.

I sighed and bent down to get the ice pack.

I was looking around the house when I saw a glimpse of Zoey with Drew's father. Drew's father was fully drunk and was sobbing in the room.

"I'm so sorry Mr. William. I'm sure you can get in contact with Drew, he knew this was going to happen anyways, I'm sure there is a reason he went to France." Zoey spoke softly, knelt down beside Drew's father and patted his back

"I- hiccup we have a company in hiccup France, but I-" Drew's father spoke brokenly

"That must be why, see? Your baby boy is smart! He knows what he's doing" Zoey forced a smile and stood up.

"You can go see him soon," She said quietly and left the room

By the time everyone arrived, we gathered inside Drew's room. Zoey settled down quickly, it seemed like that was her usual spot or something. The rest of us shuffled around.

We all finally settled down somewhere in his room. Everyone was silent and it was really awkward.

"Um. Jake, are you okay?" Henry muttered quietly, spotting his purple cheeks

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