The night continued

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Zoey POV:

Drew hasn't texted me since yesterday night, he's been offline since and it started to worry me. He said that he was going to take me shopping so he had to be at school today! He was nowhere to be seen so I decided to go to his house.

His dad wasn't home, or should I say father, since he never let "dad" slide. I have the keys to their house since I am a "family friend" or soon-to-be "family", I feel so sorry for myself.

I laughed at myself as I unlocked the door. I am such a girl boss.

The house was completely silent, it's like one of those horror movies where you get a jumpscare. I walked up to Drew's ginormous room and found nothing. There was a tiny pink box in the corner of the room though, and it said: "For Jake". Ew, what does Drew see in Jake anyways? I mean, we do have the same hair colour, that's the only reason he likes me. Oh yeah! And my eyes, he says I look like Milo, that little brat.

The bathroom door was creaked open though, and the faucet was dripping. Yikes, creepy.

I slowly opened the door to see.

"DREW?!?" I screamed, and there he was. He was lying against the bathroom wall, his legs were red and bleeding, and there was also blood streaming down the side of his mouth.

I took off my expensive outer sweater and ran up to him.

"Drew?! Can you hear me?" I yelled at the unconscious boy.

He was pale, LIKE REALLY PALE. His eyes were rolled back and it was the most terrifying thing to see. I quickly found his pulse on his neck. Slow...

I grabbed and towel to tie against the leg to stop the bleeding. I tried to carry Drew before with my 'no muscles', and I failed miserably. I held my breath ready to pick Drew up, and he was extremely light.

She brought Drew to his large closet and found some comfortable clothes. She then grabbed the first aid kit.

With her careful hands, she cleaned the cuts and bandaged him up.

"Why would you do this?..." I whispered and teared up. I changed him into a t-shirt and shorts, I was comfortable with doing that, you don't want to know what our parents did to us for this to happen.

Again, struggling. I managed to bring Drew into the bed, but before I did that. I changed his sheets and blanket. Once he was safe and inside the blanket. I pulled up a chair and sat beside him. I took my unconscious boyfriend's hand and placed it in my hands. I rested my head on the bed while holding his hands and sobbed quietly.

It felt like hours past before I felt a small twitching of his hands. I slowly raised my head to look at him.

"Zoey?..." I heard him whisper. I sat up straight and gather myself together.

I was furious and worried.

"Drew. What you did was STUPID" I yelled through my tears.

"You could've... died"

He looked at me with his weak eyes, then looked away in shame.

"Sorry..." He whispered.

I sighed

"You lost a lot o blood Drew, you gotta rest" I continued

"I'll get you some water" I stood up and walked out of the room.

I came back with a cup of water to see Drew struggling to get up.

"Drew PATIENCE!!" I scolded him

I quickly set the cup down and gently pushed him up.

"Yeahh, help me" Drew chuckled.

I watched Drew wiggle up, it's weird seeing him so awkward.

I passed him the cup of water and he gulped it down, probably really dehydrated from the bleeding. Drew gave her the cup back with shaky hand and she took it.

"It's nice seeing you doing your job as my girlfriend" Drew smiled softly

"Oh please Drew! This isn't just a "job". We are friends" I said sharply.

I rolled my eyes as he giggled. I really can't stay mad at him, his smile is so pleasant to look at. I smiled at the sight of that

"You should smile more, it look good on you" I said

"I can say the same to you" Drew replied

I settled the cup down on the table next to me.

3rd person (bc i don't like to write in first):

"So, why did you do it?" Zoey asked softly. Drew's smile immediately faded.

Drew looked at her, then looked down.

"So?" Zoey asked again impatiently. She, again, got no reply..

She sighed again and took a guess.

"Look at me Drew, is it Jake?" Zoey asked

Zoey turned Drew's head with her hands on his chin. She stared into Drew's dark brown eyes but saw nothing. There was no sign of emotions.

She continued searching when suddenly, she saw a faint sparkle. Not the happy type, but pain.

The pain in his eyes was too much. The more sparkle came, the more obvious it was.

Drew looked away, still facing Zoey as she stared at him. Tears started to form in his eyes, yet he was silent.

Zoey frowned, Drew was crying, but not at the same time, it was very confusing.

"Yeah. You're right, it's Jake" Drew said with a deep and rusty voice.

That made Zoey even more furious, but she kept her calm.

'We were supposed to have a sleepover, yesterday" he continued

"But... he never came, as you see. Instead, he had a sleepover with the music freaks" Drew said with a mad tone.

"I just wanted to hang out, IS THAT SO HARD?! I know it's stupid, but I just wanted to cry, I wanted to die! I wanted to—"

"Stop it." Zoey cut in

Drew looked shocked, he stared at Zoey with big eyes.

"Drew. stop. He's not worth your life" Zoey said while taking Drew's hand away from his leg, which he was clutching hard on. It started to bleed a bit through his bandages.

Zoey stood up. So furious. She grabbed the cup and walked out of the room.

She walked back and force, not knowing what to do. She pulled out her phone when interrupted by someone.

"Don't. You. Dare. Zoey." Drew appeared by the kitchen door. Little did she know, she's been gone for 30 minutes.

"Drew?! Why are you not in your bed?" Zoey raised her voice and walked up to him.

Drew looked at her dead serious

"You are not calling Jake." Drew said. 

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