Passed Away

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It had been bright for a long time, but the servant girl saw that Li Mei hadn't gotten up yet.

The maid knocked on the door, "Ma'am, the servant has come in."

There was still no sound, the servant girl pushed open the door and went in, walked to the bed, the servant girl called again: "Ma'am, it's time to get up."

The person on the bed didn't respond in the slightest, and the servant girl called a few more times, but Li Mei was not woken up. Finally, the servant girl looked at Li Mei's motionless body, and suddenly felt a bad feeling. She tremblingly held her hand. In front of Li Mei's nose.

The maid was so frightened that she withdrew her hand, her eyes couldn't believe it, why did Madam leave all of a sudden yesterday?

The servant girl looked sad and cried uncontrollably. She ran outside again and again, "Madam has gone, go and inform the master."

The servants in the mansion were stunned when they heard the maid's words, but then thought it was impossible. Didn't the lady be fine yesterday?

But the lady's personal maid naturally wouldn't make such a joke.

When Chen Nier and Chen Xu heard what the servants said, they couldn't react all afternoon.

Chen Nier was naturally extremely disbelieving, "My mother is fine, don't talk nonsense!"

"Miss, how dare this servant talk nonsense? Ma'am, she has really gone." The maid was frightened by Chen Nier's expression and hurriedly knelt on the ground.

Chen Nier ignored the maid who was kneeling on the ground, and ran to the house where Li Mei lived, regardless of the rules.

When she arrived, Chen Xu was already in the room. Seeing her brother's cold expression, she asked tremblingly, "Brother, mother, is she alright?"

Chen Xu's eyes were full of grief, and his voice was very heavy, "Mom, she's gone."

"Impossible! Brother, you lied to me."

Chen Nier denied it, she ran to the bed and grabbed Li Mei's cold hand, "Mother, wake up and see if Nier is okay?"

Chen Nier burst into tears, yesterday Mother was holding her hand and talking, why did she sneak away today?

Chen Xu ordered the housekeeper to prepare for the funeral, turned around and saw Chen Nier lying on the bedside crying out of breath, he walked over and pulled her up, "Don't cry, it will disturb your mother to sleep of."

Chen Nier's eyes were red from crying, she looked up at the calm Chen Xu, then nodded, "I won't cry anymore, I won't disturb my mother to sleep."

Chen Yi only found out that Li Mei had gone in the afternoon. He was taken aback. He obviously didn't believe it. After all, Li Mei was fine when he left this morning.

But the servant didn't answer this kind of joke with him, so Chen Yi drove home on horseback.

The horse stopped at the door, Chen Yi looked at the hanging white silk, his heart felt tight, and it became difficult to breathe.

He got off the horse and walked into the lobby step by step. Looking at the coffin, his eyes were wet. When Chen Xu and Chen Nier saw him coming back, they got up from the ground and called out: "Father."

"When did your mother go?" Chen Yi asked very calmly now.

Chen Xu: "Yin time last night."

Yin time at night? When he came back last night?

Chen Yi suddenly remembered the details that he had overlooked. She had always been a light sleeper. No wonder she didn't respond at all when he went to bed last night. No wonder he always felt that she was not warm when she fell asleep .

So at what time she had already left.

Chen Yi pushed open the coffin door, looked at Li Mei lying inside with a normal expression, and broke down in tears for a while.

When the coffin was closed, Chen Yi's mood also calmed down. Until Li Mei was buried, Chen Yi's mood was also unusually calm, but when the housekeeper said that Li Mei's old things should be packed up and burned, Chen Yi was cold refused.


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