Wild Chrysanthenum

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Li Mei picked almost half a basket of wild chrysanthemums before stopping to take a breath. Today's weather is fine and not too hot. Li Mei touched her screaming stomach and planned to go back and eat her lunch first.

After she went back, she dried the wild chrysanthemums in the yard first, and then heated up the sweet potatoes to eat.

When Chen Yi came back from work, he opened the door of the yard and saw wild chrysanthemums drying in the yard. Doubt flashed in his eyes, why did she pick the wild chrysanthemums home and dry them ? in the sun? Is it because you are too busy?

There were no neighbors around, and there were few people in the village. She didn't even have anyone to talk to. Maybe it was because she was too boring, Chen Yi thought.

He put half a bag of rice in his hand in the kitchen, but he didn't see Li Mei, so Chen Yi had to lock the yard door and go out to find someone.

Not long after walking, he saw Li Mei coming back with a basket on his back, and he quickly walked up to him, "Give it to me."

"No, it's not heavy." Li Mei also saw Chen Yi who came to pick her up, but there were only some wild chrysanthemums in the basket, so they were really not heavy, so she shook her head and rejected Chen Yi.

Seeing her refusal, Chen Yi stubbornly took the pannier off Li Mei's back without saying a word, put it on his own, and then held hands naturally, "Let's go, go home."

Li Mei didn't react to Chen Yi's coherent movements, but when he did, Chen Yi had already held her hand.

She had been in this world for some time, and this was the first time Chen Yi held her hand, it was warm and reassuring.

She quietly raised her head and glanced at Chen Yi, who was much taller than her, and only saw his resolute chin, her heart was pounding, she felt that she probably liked this man a little bit now.

The evening sun shone on the two of them, and their shadows intertwined. Li Mei felt that this moment was extremely beautiful. In fact, it was quite good to live with this man like this. (3322t points )

Chen Yi didn't ask Li Mei why she picked these wild chrysanthemums, and Li Mei didn't explain why she picked these wild chrysanthemums.

After returning home, Chen Yi poured the wild chrysanthemums out of the basket and spread them on the dustpan. Li Mei watched from the side and asked, "Are there any flower tea sellers in the market?"

"What is scented tea?" Chen Yi asked in confusion.

"It's tea made from flowers." Li Mei explained.

Shaking his head, Chen Yi replied, "No."

Hearing this, Li Mei felt a little happy in her heart. There is no scented tea here, so there will be a market for her to make scented tea and sell it.

Although Chen Yi was stupid, he thought of the wild chrysanthemums that Li Mei went to pick today, and the question she just asked, "Do you want to dry the wild chrysanthemums and sell them as scented tea?"

Li Mei nodded, "Yes."

Not to mention whether wild chrysanthemums can be used to make tea after drying, if the water from wild chrysanthemums is poisonous, he will be sent to prison, and besides, he has never seen tea made from flowers in the market. the market, but there may not be anyone who can buy it, and wild chrysanthemums are everywhere. Even if wild chrysanthemums can really be made into tea, no one will buy them.

"Wild chrysanthemums can really make tea?"

"Yes, and it can clear away heat and detoxify." Li Mei nodded.

"Who did you hear that wild chrysanthemums can clear away heat and detoxify?" Chen Yi frowned when he heard that.

"Eh..." Li Mei couldn't find a suitable reason to explain to him for a while, and finally had to lie, "The lady I served before often made scented tea."


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